Look at what you have done. I don't want to hear "but my boss made me do it." No, that is your handwork. Your professors trusted you when they taught you AutoCAD, that you would only use those skills for Good. Instead, you have broken that trust.
I guess I am just as much to blame, I marketed that crap.
I just threw up a little in the back of my mouth
4cylndrfury wrote:
I just threw up a little in the back of my mouth
For real, those wheels are terrible.... That thing would look tight with a decent set of rims.
(Jokes, jokes...)
a triumph of design over function. wait, I take that back! oh noes, too late, gack...
That car is just sad....
It's a 4x4 for goodness sake!!
Ya aughta be able da stuff sum 30's under dat, yo!
rob_lewis wrote:
It's a 4x4 for goodness sake!!
are you sure.. They make 2wd wranglers now.. ahhhhhh...
Shades of a DJ
9/7/10 4:22 p.m.
What the hell happened there? Was that a Jeep of some sort at one point?
Didn't y'all know? 99% of Wranglers are poseurmobiles so you LOOK like you are the tough outdoorsy type. So DILYSI hit the largest percentage of the market. Well done, sir.
Well, at least it isn't painted to look like a watermelon.