Enrolled in paycheck direct deposit well over 20 years ago. First time was w/ a multi-billion dollar global corporation. Did the usual checks for hours, OT, tax, deductions etc. and always spot on, never an issue.
Few years ago changed jobs, another multi-billion dollar global corporation, however this plant is somewhat boondockish compared to the first. Did the checks as usual and always spot on.
Been pretty busy lately w/ seven day weeks, visiting Mom in stroke rehab etc. so I let some stuff go like paying my bills till they get stacked to 3/4" high... don't laugh, it works on my time table. Same w/ my pay stubs.
Checked my only account of deposit this morning and knew it had to be short, I know my 56 hour pay deposit, dammit. Going back through the stack of neglected pay stubs I find a separate DD account deduction of $100/ week going back to later Dec. '14. Called our payroll lady to get the ball rolling, nothing found on her end but she called corporate accounting office.
Her explanation: there was an employee at another location w/ a same last name but w/ an "s" on the end of it who started a DD account in Dec. '14 and my weekly deduction has been going in their account, 5 weeks as they said, I'll be reimbursed the $500. But, waitaminnit... they didn't deem to look any further to determine that it happened two weeks more before in '14... easy to see on my '14 YTD. I'll have to bring my stubs in for verification, WTF.
I really need an explanation on this one. I could see some ma n pa operation that things could slip through, maybe even at our plant level, but no... this was at a corporate level.
I find it extremely difficult to believe that a new deduction could go through on a similar yet not exact last name... excluding my first name, plant number and location, bank routing number, etc... yet alone my berkeleying SSN !!
As usual GRM has 'the answer' to most everything. How could this possibly happen?
Hate to overreact, ain't got no time for dat. Whattyagot GRM?