So a couple of days ago the 10 year old dishwasher decided it was no longer going to function when the circuit board in the door caught on fire. Luckily someone was there to turn it off right away and all it did was burn about a quarter sized hole in the circuit board and fill the house with nasty smelling smoke. A Google search seems to suggest that similar incidents occasionally with most brand of dishwasher. I just thought i would mention this in case anyone is in the habit of leaving the house with the dishwasher running, or going to bed with it on, which seems to be a potentially unhealthy and expensive idea.
Yikes, I never heard of that before.
On a side note, this is the busiest day of the year for us at the firehouse. Lots of turkey related fires. People use their oven for the first time since last Thanksgiving, oven cleaning disasters, turkey fryer fires (and lots of false alarms from concerned neighbors who see the smoke), candle accidents and heart attacks. Lots of fun stuff when you work the holiday.
Doesn't it seem a little ironic that a device that uses water can catch on fire?
On that note though, we have had 2 friends have dishwasher fires. One of them got rather bad and consumed half the kitchen.
Travis_K wrote:
A Google search seems to suggest that similar incidents occasionally with most brand of dishwasher. I just thought i would mention this in case anyone is in the habit of leaving the house with the dishwasher running, or going to bed with it on, which seems to be a potentially unhealthy and expensive idea.
my Mom never had a dishwasher... (it'll make the house harder to sell someday) said she raised 5 dishwashers..
My father-in-law often boasts that he has the most expensive 63 yr old dishwasher ever made. Even after hip replacement surgery - the dishes were clean.
11/25/10 9:38 a.m.
My wifes boss has also had this happen to her - twice. The first time there was major damage to their kitchen.
Now we never leave the house if the dishwasher is running.
We make it a habit to not leave any major appliance running when we leave the house. Refrigerator excluded, of course. Ever see a washing machine drain hose come out of the drain thingie?
Dr. Hess wrote:
Ever see a washing machine drain hose come out of the drain thingie?
Around here, you can't even get homeowner's insurance unless you have braided steel water lines going to the washer.
11/25/10 10:32 p.m.
There was a GE Profile recall recently (ours wasn't on the list)--they were catching fire from water leaking onto the electronics or something. This was on stuff that was from 7 or 8 years ago, though.
Were you trying to hot tank an engine block in it?
gamby wrote:
There was a GE Profile recall recently (ours wasn't on the list)--they were catching fire from water leaking onto the electronics or something. This was on stuff that was from 7 or 8 years ago, though.
One of those came with our house, we ended kup getting a much nicer one for nothing thanks to the recall.
The dishwasher that caught fire was a maytag brand, and actually the controls had been replaced one already due to a recall for electrical fire issues. I have a feeling the parts for the majority of dishwashers all come from the same place though, so different models having the same problems doesn't seem that weird.
used to have an 81gtv6 wrote:
gamby wrote:
There was a GE Profile recall recently (ours wasn't on the list)--they were catching fire from water leaking onto the electronics or something. This was on stuff that was from 7 or 8 years ago, though.
One of those came with our house, we ended kup getting a much nicer one for nothing thanks to the recall.
Hmmm.... I've got a GE Profile that does a so-so job of washing dishes. That would be sweet if I could get a new one! I'll have to check into that.
this kind of thing makes me ask why a dishwasher needs to have a circuit board in it...
So They can keep track of and report what you're eating and more importantly what you're wasting. 
novaderrik wrote:
this kind of thing makes me ask why a dishwasher needs to have a circuit board in it...
Why, to operate the digital display, of course!
Hocrest wrote:
So They can keep track of and report what you're eating and more importantly what you're wasting.
Heh, heh...y'all have no idea. Dishwashers are evil.
You want the red lollypop, or the blue one?