Ok, since this is 150200 or so on a proper chassis ear set up http://www.etoolcart.com/steelman-chassis-ears-ste6600.aspx because I KNOW it has to be able to be done on the cheap. I figure I could go to radio shack and get one of those dumb "Listeningn devices", extend the MIC and glue it to an aligator clip but I really want to have at least 4 channels. How can I do this???
Let the brainstorming begine!!
Small passive mixer?
I dunno, $150 bux seems pretty cheap for what it is to me. I think by the time you buy mics/clips/mixer/good headphones you'll have about that much into it, plus your time, and it won't work as well as the real thing.
A buddy who is willing to ride in the trunk, put his head out the window and lean across the hood at 50 MPH, ride in the back seat whith the rear door open leaning out while listening? Just be careful on the latter, I ran over a friend while doing this. Long story, will tell it for beer. 
MICs in to this,
Small amp
About $50.00 total