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z31maniac MegaDork
4/15/21 2:51 a.m.
Steve_Jones said:
Stampie said:

In reply to Steve_Jones :

Why can't you let the man rest in peace?  Why is this all about you?  A family lost their son, husband, father.  Come on man.

I'm not the one posting it in the meme thread, and upvoting it. Call those guys out. Come on man.

I suspect you know that we can't see who makes the upvotes/downvotes comments on this forum yes? I will happily call out people being jerks just to be holier than thou. 


Duke MegaDork
4/15/21 7:58 a.m.

Wow, are we still having this urination contest?


93EXCivic MegaDork
4/15/21 8:06 a.m.
Appleseed said:

The dark humor meme was posted by someone else...in the meme thread. 

It's like posting that you never liked children in a thread about someone who lost a son, versus a dark humor post in a thread that has had numerous pictures of dark humor.

Can you see the difference?

This x1000.

captdownshift (Forum Supporter)
captdownshift (Forum Supporter) GRM+ Memberand UltimaDork
4/15/21 8:32 a.m.

Ask someone who earlier in the thread posted in reference to DMX having plowed through his previous money, I'll chime in here a bit.


I'm a strong believer of the ethos, and try to let it guide me, that what someone else consumes doesn't make me defecate. So if someone has millions of dollars and spends it in a manner that most would find potentially foolish, but it makes them happy, then we're not to judge that person. I mean look at what most of us do as a hobby, It's not the most fiscally responsible thing in the world. 

(People who enjoy spending money also seem to come into it easily, DMX had recently recorded a litany of songs with Redman, Method man, Nas, Jadakiss and others. During covid a lot of NYC rappers from the late 90s and 00s have been living in the studios and putting in work. There's low-key been a ton of stuff released in the past year that old school heads can appreciate. DMX was likely going to firm up his financial game in the coming months.)

That being said if someone does or is doing what they enjoy (And I'm not even talking about or taking into the equation mental illness or addiction) and they pass away from it, it doesn't make it any less tragic or disturbing or jarring.  When Aryton Senna died at Imola nobody said, well what did you expect look at how many fatal F1 crashes there had been prior. 


It can be okay to have a humorous perspective on one shortcomings and decision making, hopefully the person making said decisions at some point in their life become self-aware enough to be able to reflect upon it to appreciate the humor in it.


With regards to a fatal drug overdose the finite reality of it is often similar to somebody who circums to cancer or any other long-term illness. And that is they are now free from the pain and burden that they had to endure and live with for years. For those who are about and for the person there is a sense of liberation and that await has been lifted from the collective shoulders because that person is no longer having to deal with that pain and struggle. 


As another hip hop artist from NY once said, if you can't respect that your whole perspective is wack, maybe you'll love me when I fade to black. 

06HHR (Forum Supporter)
06HHR (Forum Supporter) Dork
4/15/21 9:43 a.m.

In reply to captdownshift (Forum Supporter) :

Well said, what a lot of people don't realize, especially where addiction is involved, the tragedy isn't that his addictive behaviour ended with his death.  Anybody with eyes could see that was going to happen eventually.  The tragedy is that despite anybody's best efforts, even his own, it could not be averted.  Whether you believe addiction is a diesease or not, or that a lack of "personal responsibility" was the man's problem.  The facts are he died at 50, and he really could have lived far longer had circumstances been different.  That's tragic no matter what you think imho. 

Snowdoggie (Forum Supporter)
Snowdoggie (Forum Supporter) Dork
4/15/21 10:13 a.m.

Charlie Parker did the same damned thing ........ back in 1955. 

Different music style. Different era. Same old addiction. It killed one of my favorite musicians. 

Meth killed my younger sister in 2002. 

You could make the same personal responsibility argument about her. She also financially destroyed my parents - or did they decide to financially destroy themselves trying to save her. Dad died a year before she did. He had his own problems with alcohol. Mom is still alive and suffering from dementia in a nursing home. 

....and the beat goes on. Another one dies. Another one cries. 

Drugs, alcohol and insanity may have worked for Hunter S. Thompson but it is not a road I would recommend. I have seen the wreckage in my own life. I can't even stand the smell of pot, but putting people in jail and giving them a lifelong criminal record for possessing a small amount is a different kind of insanity. 

There are no simple answers. 

1SlowVW HalfDork
4/15/21 12:16 p.m.
Snowdoggie (Forum Supporter) said:

There are no simple answers.

That is the most accurate statement in this entire thread.

yupididit GRM+ Memberand PowerDork
4/15/21 3:23 p.m.

In reply to captdownshift (Forum Supporter) :

Well said. 


Jay Z quote

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