I have a line on a 2010 Mazda CX-9. Its an estate sale from a friend of a friend. If it needed a lot of mechanical work and detailing, I could lowball and do the work and turn a profit. But we went to look at it and it is in really great shape. No surface or body rust, no damage, top-spec, big motor, AWD, leather, in really great shape all around.
120,000 miles, and it has been sitting since late 2018/early 2019, so it needs brakes and rotors, new tires, a battery, fluids, detailed, stuff like that. I can get it for $5K and they sell for $8-$9k. I may have to sit on it a while considering the current situation.
If I can't sell it, I give it to the daughter to replace the Cherokee. Which I take and start building for overlanding. Which clearly makes me no money.