Aeromoto wrote:
From the fact that you're still in school, I will assume that you're rather young. So..., all kidding aside, take it from a 40-something that has been married for many years---
One night, many years from now, you will be lying awake in bed next to your snoring wife of 37,000,000 years, and you will think back on this situation with your schoolmate and say to yourself "I shoulda hit that when I had the chance"
Can I get an "amen" from any of the married 40+ somethings?
I would have to agree, but I also wonder at the same time, what would have changed if I did? better? worse?
JoeyM wrote:
Tell your classmate that your girlfriend is armed and dangerous....
And on parole for assault with a deadly weapon.
Aeromoto wrote:
From the fact that you're still in school, I will assume that you're rather young. So..., all kidding aside, take it from a 40-something that has been married for many years---
One night, many years from now, you will be lying awake in bed next to your snoring wife of 37,000,000 years, and you will think back on this situation with your schoolmate and say to yourself "I shoulda hit that when I had the chance"
Can I get an "amen" from any of the married 40+ somethings?
i didn't miss any of the really gift-wrapped opportunities back in the day, so i can't say from experience. but i understand the concept, and to the concept i can totally say AMEN.
my dad used to tell me stuff to help me get through life. one of the things he told me is that i should be berkeleying everything that moves. this was around 1986. my parents had been married about 33 years at the time, and my dad says to me, "i'll never forget passing up some Bob Costas one time in 1947. i shoulda hit that."
2/24/12 12:37 p.m.
I'll say yes.
Getting in trouble for telling her now is gonna cause less E36 M3 than if she finds out on her own.
All of my advice is bad.
Your either happy, or your not. You can have multiple women and not be happy, or you can have one and be satisfied.
Kinda like cars.
Per Schroeder
Technical Editor/Advertising Director
2/24/12 1:41 p.m.
Amen, to a point. And that point is when you know it is.
If I had to tell my wife about every girl that comes onto me sexually, it would take like...
Chasing girls is like gambling.
If you win regularly, might as well keep playing.
If you don't, get out while the winning are good.
Tom_Spangler wrote:
I concur with this gentleman's response. Photographs, or the event did not take place.
Why does this only happen to married guys?
Talk to her incessantly about your geekiest hobby. Racing can be pretty geeky already. If you play video games, even better. If you have a comic book collection or watch anime, you're golden! She'll be repulsed by you in no time.
Edit: Oh, also, this:

Anti-Bob Costas force field generator. But it will work on your wife too, so only wear it at school.
Edit2: Oh and I see she's your GF and not your wife. You must tell me the secrets of your witchcraft.
2/24/12 2:02 p.m.
GameboyRMH wrote:
Why does this only happen to married guys?
Talk to her incessantly about your geekiest hobby. Racing can be pretty geeky already. If you play video games, even better. If you have a comic book collection or watch anime, you're golden! She'll be repulsed by you in no time.
She already knows that he's a nerd. It's part of why she wants him to ravage her bung hole.
I think we're all basing our advice off the women we've dealt with in our lives.
We're not getting enough information in here to make good judgements. Girlfriend could be motorhead version of Scarlett Johansson and schoolmate may be well...not.
Do you LIVE with your girlfriend?
If so, tell her, but approach it like it is the huge problem it is. Be direct and to the point and be sympathetic to whatever response you get.
Why? It is a huge pain in the ass to have to split up your stuff and move somewhere else.
If you don't live with your girlfriend and are still just "dating" then you're really still single. I won't presume to offer you advice, because I didn't listen to any when I was single, either.
GameboyRMH wrote:
Talk to her incessantly about your geekiest hobby. Racing can be pretty geeky already. If you play video games, even better. If you have a comic book collection or watch anime, you're golden! She'll be repulsed by you in no time.
Or it'll backfire as she's completely into whatever he geeks out on... which may not be a backfire at all. 
You guys are all going to look silly when volksroddin tells us he's in the 4th grade.
And home-schooled.
poopshovel wrote:
You guys are all going to look silly when volksroddin tells us he's in the 4th grade.
And home-schooled.
And the chick coming on to him is a hairy fat she-beast.
2/24/12 4:36 p.m.
When a mans' desperate, he will do desperate things. I'd make some "like drive (insert terrible car here)" analogy, but that'd be lost on you lot.
AngryCorvair wrote:
i didn't miss any of the really gift-wrapped opportunities back in the day, so i can't say from experience. but i understand the concept, and to the concept i can totally say AMEN.
my dad used to tell me stuff to help me get through life. one of the things he told me is that i should be berkeleying everything that moves. this was around 1986. my parents had been married about 33 years at the time, and my dad says to me, "i'll never forget passing up some Bob Costas one time in 1947. i shoulda hit that."
That is some very good advice.
When you get old (and can't get that good Bob Costas anymore), you'll be glad you didn't throw any back.
Back on topic, never, under any circumstances say anything about that. No good can come from it.
2/24/12 6:53 p.m.
No, do not tell. Women have a lifetime memory chip that requires no maintenance. If you do tell (even though nothing happened)...4 years-5 months-24 days-18 minutes later....she will bring it up...and not in a good way.
No, you do not tell. No matter what happens.
The girl that has been bothering me, I shot her down today like I was duck hunting. Far as telling my girl friend that lives with me,...I am going to stay humble about it (we have enough stress in our lives).
Posting pic's of the girl, thats not going to happen seeing how I deleted them before I even open the text they came in.
and by the way thanks, Dave