Golden Shepherd (correct spelling)...I like that.
He's a good looking dog. If you ever get tired of him, let me know. 
So you discovered the Militant Shelter Personnel. That's a bummer. I won't tolerate their 'expertise' either. Lancaster's Humane League has been decent to adopt from. I've never visited the Reading ones. Almost went to Chester this last time but now glad I didn't.
It will take him a few weeks to be really comfortable in his new environment. Make sure he gets some time to himself. He'll have to learn a whole new set of rules in your house that may or may not jive with what he's known, so be patient. He'll figure it out.
When I got my dog, the best thing I ever did was have her trained. I didn't go through one of the "schools", but got a trainer to come to my house and work with her one on one. She worked with my dog about 4 hours at a time 3 times a week for 4 weeks total.
The differences were absolutely amazing. I also had homework of course. The group "school" at our local pet store was not effective as she was a lot more distracted. It was better than nothing, but the one on one training is absolutely the way to go. It wasn't even that expensive.
That's all well and good, but part of the training process is teaching the owner how to communicate with the dog. The homework I guess does that, but I'd much rather be teaching the owner WITH the dog, because once I leave, the owner can ruin that dog right back to nothing in no time.
I'm seriously starting to consider offering services as a trainer. Everyone thinks my dogs are so well behaved (they are) but I can't see training a dog and just handing it back to a know-nothing owner who simply expects the dog to 'perform'. It's more training people in dog communication than anything.