So...I had to cover a meeting in Tampa tuesday morning at the last minute since on eof our subcontractors cancelled at the last minute. I left Macon GA at 7pm after a full workday, made the meeting and was back in Macon at 7PM Tuesday. Best part of the trip was stopping at the Big Daddy Don Garlits Drag Racing Museum in Ocala. It was fantastic, and I didn't even make it to the vintage car collection, just the drag racing side. It had an unbelievable number of cars, a lot of which I remember seeing on TV as a kid or building models of. Most of the cars were so close you couldn't walk between them and the amount on memorabilia was overwhelming. Luckily I had my camera. Here's a few pics of the more GRM-interest stuff. And if you ever have the chance, drop the 15 bones to visit. Best $ I've spent in a while.
PS - gonna do this as multiple posts as a post-whore training exercise.
Edit: I realized I had an overall shot of the first room, so I'm puttin it here.

First car over 150mph in the 1/4 - The Bustle Bomb. Don't miss the engint on the back!

Don's first dragster ever (okay, a recreation he built) Flathead power and frame made from 2 model Ts. Best time of 12.10, I think.

"The Bug" - not one of Don's, but the oldest car in the drag museum. Running a flathead on pressurized alcohol, a v12 allison igniton converted to v8 and a trans with low and reverse removed. Notice the roll cage....err....

A mid-engined(!) car built in the mid 50's by the Garlits brothers, this one had a bad habit of hard right turns at speed and was never run successfully. Damn cool, though.

Swamp Rat 1, first run in 1954. This is the first of Don's cars to bear the "Swamp Rat" name, a moniker that all his future cars would carry. this one very much reminds me of a locost style build, I think all the sheetmetal could be built in a day at home. Can you image what would happen to the driver if the rear end let go?
I kick myself - have driven by soooo many times and never stopped - just always been going by at weird times. Really need to plan on stopping - thanks for posting hte picks.. grew up watching swamp rat

"The Pollutionizer" built by Garlits using a scrap V12 from a P40 Warhawk (of flying tiger fame). The engine was bought as salvage with a bullet hole in the crankcase for $50

A twin (buick?) engined slingshot built by/for "TV" Tommy Ivo. My wife pointed out that it was frighteningly phallic.

What's different about this old Ford? Count the ignition wires....

This is a Top Fuel motor from the late 70's or early 80's. Again, let's play "What's Different?"
this car was banned for being to fast at the time.
Thats what I'm thinking.. always wanted one for a rat rod
8/3/11 8:23 p.m.
I stopped by there a good 20 years ago. Fantastic place. Seems like Big Daddy NEVER threw anything away. I still have a piston from one of his fuelers, engraved with his signature.
8/3/11 9:10 p.m.
I'm heading there in October...can't wait!
The Bug belonged to a guy named Dick Kraft, one of the icons of early hot rodding:

He passed away in early 2009 at the age of 87.
Yep, v12 Lincoln in the old ford. And the later top fuel motor is running twin turbos as big as my head into the supercharger.
The Bug - no cage, no helmet, no shirt - no problem! I can't imagine.... Where do you suppose he stored his massive brass cojones while driving that thing?
I just added visiting there to my bucket list. 
I've got a cousin I haven't seen in about 30 years who lives in Ocala, or as she says the locals call it " Slo cala". If we can agree on a date for a visit, I guess I'll have another reason to head over her way.
Don his own way another Colin Chapman in the vein of let's make it as light as possible?
I just took my dad there for Father's day. Great place.
The antique building has some really cool cars, and a ton of pre-war Fords. There was also a '65 Mustang that Don won at a race. Nice Trophy. I'm pretty sure the Mustang is 100% factory, because the paint job is not very good. :)
Man, I want to go there soooo badly! Thanks for sharing the awesome pics!
I went there about 20 years ago and you've got me thinking it might be time to go back.
Garlits is now racing a Dodge Challenger.
8/5/11 8:26 p.m.
Looks like he's moved some new stuff in from the last time I was there. If you get a chance to go, check out all the old speed parts behind the counter in the engine room. I went bonkers dreaming up the possibilities. Got a roadtrip to the Kingdom of the Rat next year and will definitely be stopping in at Big Daddy's. Not to threadjack, but if anyone's interested here are a couple of links to the pics I took on my last trip there.
Big Daddy's pt.1 Big Daddy's pt.2