From the article:
The PSAs, plastered on billboards around the state, were supposed to "grab the attention of drivers" and jack up interest in the dangers of navigating snowy roads.
Please tell me that was intentional because I'm dyin' over here!
In reply to Bobzilla:
I can see by your concern that this is really going to cramp your style, Bob.
WEll, luckily I don't live in South Dakota. 
some believed the ads might rub people the wrong way and become a driving distraction. The campaign was yanked prematurely by the Department of Public Safety
innuendo in every clause...
Bobzilla wrote:
From the article:
The PSAs, plastered on billboards around the state, were supposed to "grab the attention of drivers" and jack up interest in the dangers of navigating snowy roads.
Please tell me that was intentional because I'm dyin' over here!
I think they were warning Kia and Hyundai owners to be careful when operating the door handles....
This one is the funniest, and one of only two that eventually tell you what it's about:

"At about 2:20 a.m. on March 30, 2006, Griffin plowed his Cadillac Escalade into a parked Chevy Suburban in front of Minneapolis’s Santana Foods store. Jamal Hassuneh had just exited his apartment and watched as Griffin hit his vehicle. Griffin exited the car and, according to a lawsuit filed by Hassuneh against the city of Minneapolis, told Jamal’s brother, Abed, that he was intoxicated and had been masturbating to a pornographic DVD inside his vehicle."
Too late for Eddie Griffin who later died in an accident where he crashed into a train. It is unknown if he was watching a film that involved running a train at the time of the accident.
Eddie Griffin life and times
I've driven through South Dakota so many times, the jerk seemed like an option till now. Thanks billboard.
sadly, friend of mine in HS was into masturbating behind the wheel.. at least until a young girl saw him doing it. While I do not think he served any jail time nor is on any lists, there was quite a lengthy time spent on probation for him