NEWARK, Del. (AP) — Delaware transportation officials on Wednesday warned motorists along Interstate 95 near Wilmington to keep their car windows closed and avoid unnecessary stops because of honeybee swarms unleashed by the crash of a tractor trailer carrying 460 hives.
The ramp to I-95 in Newark reopened more than 12 hours after the rig carrying an estimated 16 million to 20 million bees crashed Tuesday. Crews were spraying foam in the area to contain the swarms.
"There's still some bees out there," said state police spokesman Sgt. Paul Shavack.
The accident prompted state police to activate for the first time a honeybee swarm removal plan that was established in 1995, Shavack said.
"It worked really well," he said.
The plan, which was updated in March, involves a response network of beekeepers statewide. Three beekeepers from New Castle County responded to the scene after Tuesday's accident. The initial response including using fire hoses to tamp down the swarms.
Shavack said he was told that the bees were being transported from Florida to Maine to assist in blueberry production.
The driver of the truck, Adolfo Guerra, 55, of Miami, was cited for unsafe shifting of load or cargo.
Guerra, his son, and another passenger were taken to Christiana Hospital for treatment of minor injuries from the crash and multiple bee stings.
I make it a policy to avoid new jersey already so no change needed.
5/21/14 1:44 p.m.
Yeah, that's about 4 miles from my house. I drove through the aftermath this morning. I couldn't get a picture, but you remember the DANGER ZOMBIES AHEAD sign? There were 2 just like it that said DANGER BEE SWARMS - KEEP WINDOWS CLOSED.
I hope they move in and pollinate lots of flowers.
One time on an offroad rally, I was stopped behind some trucks that were stuck in a mud pit, and a migrating swarm of bees flew right over. Nobody was stung even though there were probably 2-3 people outside their trucks and the back of mine was open.
A true swarm has no interest in you, they're off looking for a new home. That's why you can wear a bee-beard using a swarm.
A hive that's been knocked apart on the other hand, they tend to be highly irritated, and will sting.
The news is calling it swarms, but really it's not.
5/21/14 2:12 p.m.
foxtrapper wrote:
A hive that's been knocked apart on the other hand, they tend to be highly irritated, and will sting.
This was at least 60 hives that were knocked apart. There were smashed bee trays all over the exit ramp this morning, 18 hours after the accident.
I'd rather drive through a swarm of bees than a swarm of distracted texting idiot drivers.
I thought you meant "don't drive 95MPH near Newark" and was expecting to hear a traffic ticket story. 
Bobzilla wrote:
Lancer007 wrote:
I make it a policy to avoid new jersey already so no change needed.
Umm, Newark DELEWARE not Jersy, although I agree. Avoid NJ anytime.
New Jersey, Delaware, arent they damn near the same thing?
Although I rather enjoyed my stay in nj a week and a half ago
5/21/14 5:44 p.m.
Bet you didn't stay in Newark.
For thirty years they've been telling me I can't drive 55, and now this...
I drove into a massive swarm in Ohio. My windshield instantly turned black. I couldn't even count how many were on the windshield. I counted over 50 on the right headlight. That massive swarm was very impressive.
5/22/14 9:23 a.m.
ryanty22 wrote:
New Jersey, Delaware, arent they damn near the same thing?
Dem's fightin' words, pal.
Duke wrote:
ryanty22 wrote:
New Jersey, Delaware, arent they damn near the same thing?
Dem's fightin' words, pal.
they are.. we want nothing to do with Deleware
5/22/14 9:34 a.m.
...except our tax-free shopping, judging by the number of expensive cars and tour buses with Jersey tags at the malls around here.