Currently I am in downtown White Plains, NY for work. While the people that live here think it isnt part of NYC, it is (Kinda like how people in Aurora think it isn't Chicago), and I meet the most exciting people in NYC. Needless to say, walking around Walmart tonight proved interesting.
I was walking down an aisle when an older woman started yelling at me. Legit yelling, much anger, very upset. She wanted to know why I don't sell extra tall snow boots (for our southern friends, snow boots are like flip flops that enclose your feet to keep frozen water out).
Im pretty used to being screamed at over confusing things so I calmly asked why she was yelling at me about the snow boots inventory. She replied in a convinced manner that it was because I worked there. I said I did not work for Walmart. She then demanded to know why I was wearing a tie if I wasn't a manager.
Moral of the story- Don't wear a tie to Walmart.
One of the perks of never going into a walmart is knowing that I will never be yelled at inside a walmart.
Occasionally, I have to run into a Wal Mart to grab something while on business. Every single time someone asks me where something is or if I sell a particular item. OK, I get it, I am not wearing a T-shirt with a country singer, monster truck or derogatory saying on it (or all three) but come on, do I really look like Wal Mart Management material?
I have managed to consistently avoid wally world for thelast 3 years except once.
Im ashamed of that one failure.
Just this last week I was mistaken for working for Costco. Mostly because I was sifting through a pile of folded shirts looking for the one remaining big-boy size. Sadly, I did not know if Costco sold shoes and I did not have a good answer. I was not wearing a tie.
The only time people act badly towards me in a retail environment is when I'm at work...
which is sadly the only time I can't tell them to berkeley off.
There was that one time I wore an orange shirt to Home Depot. I thought I was never going to get out of there!
EastCoastMojo said:
There was that one time I wore an orange shirt to Home Depot. I thought I was never going to get out of there!
Grab the nearest real employee and ask for help in getting out?
Since I travel so much for work, I often end up in a Walmart or the local mall as there is usually one close to whatever hotel I am staying at. I like to walk around after dinner to burn off the dessert I didn't eat
The absolute BEST people watching occurs during my trips to Walmart. I have been in them coast to coast and it hold true in NYC, LA and everything in between (West Memphis, Arkansas might be my favorite).
I used to wear a red polo and khakis for work. Staples, toys-r-us, and other big box stores.......every one visited earned me questions from the public. Never got yelled at though, I must look scary.
All I know is what I've seen on the People of Wa-Mart website, I'll have to go visit one sometime to see what the fuss is all about.
I have many opportunities to visit Malwart (currently unemployed). SWMBO detests it, but i have this twisted desire to go just to see if i can spot a Malwartion(google) and yes on a regular basis I indeed have (spotted several)......and no i don't wear a tie but i do sport 'bed head' and the ladies seem to really dig it ..... BWAHahahahahahaaaaaaaaaa
My work uniform is identical too the TLE uniforms aside from the patches. I like buying sandpaper there, but after a few similiar occurences i refuse to stop there on my way home from work.
KyAllroad (Jeremy) said:
I used to wear a red polo and khakis for work. Staples, toys-r-us, and other big box stores.......every one visited earned me questions from the public. Never got yelled at though, I must look scary.
usually the patrons of those stores are a little more well to do than your average walmart dweller
Ten years ago I was looking at work boots at Sears during my lunch and two different people asked me for shoe help.
I left quickly then got depressed that my life had turned me into Al Bundy rather than the high level industrial hose sales executive I am.
In reply to Datsun310Guy :
Yeah, but Peg Bundy...
pinchvalve said:
Occasionally, I have to run into a Wal Mart to grab something while on business. Every single time someone asks me where something is or if I sell a particular item. OK, I get it, I am not wearing a T-shirt with a country singer, monster truck or derogatory saying on it (or all three) but come on, do I really look like Wal Mart Management material?
My response, in that situation, was, "Aisle 11, on the right. About this (holding hand up to my ribs) high."
There seems to be a lack of Walmartians up here in Canuckistan.
I see a lot of white trash there but nothing like the pictures I've seen.
In reply to RealMiniParker :
I do the same thing. I get mistaken for a manager in a number of stores and send people to the opposite side of whichever store I’m in.
Trans_Maro said:
There seems to be a lack of Walmartians up here in Canuckistan.
I see a lot of white trash there but nothing like the pictures I've seen.
They're a rare sighting here in T Bay, but when I lived in Niagara Falls I regularly saw a few that would fit the Walmartian category.
In reply to logdog :
I have to say, that is really funny. I am laughing here at my desk. Thanks for starting my day is a good mood.
There's a great little Italian deli - Dante's - on Central Ave. just a few blocks down from the County Center, and some decent restaurant/bar options along Mamaroneck Ave.
11/14/17 7:17 a.m.
This has happened (not the yelling, just the false impersonation of an employee) at a half dozen different stores lately, button-up long sleeve shirt and jeans. Always.
11/14/17 8:30 a.m.
This must happen quite frequently. I don't often wear business attire in big box stores, but I can recall people trying to stop me to ask questions on a couple different occasions.