8/4/08 9:14 a.m.
Wowak wrote:
Go back to sleep, America, the police are only brutalizing drug users! If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear!
If you think this is about drugs, you are completely and utterly mistaken.
It is, however, yet another point convincing me that I would not live in Virginia if you gave me a nice house and 3 acres for free.
Duke wrote:
It is, however, yet another point convincing me that I would not live in Virginia if you gave me a nice house and 3 acres for free.
PG County is in Maryland. PG County is also the red-headed step-child of the DC suburbs. It's the wealthiest majority minority county in the country, but still manages to be completely corrupt and dysfunctional. It's orders of magnitude worse than Fairfax or Montgomery Counties in just about every statistic.
8/4/08 10:43 a.m.
And interestingly enough, if you watch any training films for firefighters nationwide, every time there's an example of what NOT to do, it comes from PG county... ;)
another gem from the article:
Current laws targeting marijuana users place undue burdens on law enforcement resources, punish ill Americans whose doctors have prescribed the substance and unfairly affect African-Americans, said Frank, flanked by legislators and representatives from advocacy groups.
Interesting plan.
One way to clean it up, legalize it, hand it over to the tobaco industry and tax the E36 M3 out of it.
or just go Judge Dread and kill dealers and supliers on site, that would free up the prisons.
Not that I actually feal that instant capital punishment is a good idea, i just like to bring new meaning to "devils advocate"
I can't see how anyone who works for a living can tolerate welfare and food stamps NOT being taken from drug offenders. Many of us are subject to drug testing at our jobs, why are welfare recipients not drug tested? Unless you like paying a person to stay home, get high and make welfare babies.
Take away the welfare, food stamps, medicaid and other give-a-ways and see what happens to the drug problem.
triumph7 wrote:
Take away the welfare, food stamps, medicaid and other give-a-ways and see what happens to the drug problem.
They'll spend just as much on drugs, and less on food.
triumph7 wrote:
Take away the welfare, food stamps, medicaid and other give-a-ways and see what happens to the drinking problem.
Do you still like the idea as much?
^^IMO, the ghettos will get far worse before the drug problem eases up
8/4/08 1:12 p.m.
Gearhead_42 wrote:
triumph7 wrote:
Take away the welfare, food stamps, medicaid and other give-a-ways and see what happens to the drinking problem.
Do you still like the idea as much?
Yup, every bit as much.
If you're taking my money so you can EAT, you don't berkleying need to drink.
That's all good and fine, but the result will just be a starving addict committing more crimes to fund their next high. I'd rather subsidize them up front and not have my golf clubs stolen.
8/4/08 1:55 p.m.
A crack monkey who pays for his own golf clubs? Does Crack Monkey have a hidden agenda????? You decide. 
8/4/08 1:58 p.m.
CrackMonkey wrote:
That's all good and fine, but the result will just be a starving addict committing more crimes to fund their next high. I'd rather subsidize them up front and not have my golf clubs stolen.
I wouldn't. Guess that's the difference.
Salanis wrote:
triumph7 wrote:
Take away the welfare, food stamps, medicaid and other give-a-ways and see what happens to the drug problem.
They'll spend just as much on drugs, and less on food.
They are not spending the money on food anyway.
8/4/08 2:19 p.m.
addicts will do whatever it takes to get the money they need for drugs. It usualy involves all manner of illegal activities. Theft, prostitution, etc. Taking away food stamps wouldnt cause addicts to suddenly go " OOps, no more food stamps, i guess ill stop smoking crack and get a job."
GlennS wrote:
addicts will do whatever it takes to get the money they need for drugs. It usualy involves all manner of illegal activities. Theft, prostitution, etc. Taking away food stamps wouldnt cause addicts to suddenly go " OOps, no more food stamps, i guess ill stop smoking crack and get a job."
it just might...
what it could do is make them accountable for their own actions. when someone never has to pay for their own food and shelter, they can just keep on doing whatever they want and they won't be out in the street. and any money they do make they don't have to spend on food or housing, because someone has already given that to them, so they can go spend that on drugs or whatever non-productive thing they want to. if they don't have any handouts, then maybe the money they'd spend on drugs might hurt their living situation a little.
CrackMonkey wrote:
That's all good and fine, but the result will just be a starving addict committing more crimes to fund their next high. I'd rather subsidize them up front and not have my golf clubs stolen.
so we should just keep paying them so they don't steal our stuff? maybe they just shouldn't steal our stuff, lets they meet with the business end of someone's home defense weapon
Strizzo wrote:
GlennS wrote:
addicts will do whatever it takes to get the money they need for drugs. It usualy involves all manner of illegal activities. Theft, prostitution, etc. Taking away food stamps wouldnt cause addicts to suddenly go " OOps, no more food stamps, i guess ill stop smoking crack and get a job."
it just might...
what it could do is make them accountable for their own actions. when someone never has to pay for their own food and shelter, they can just keep on doing whatever they want and they won't be out in the street. and any money they do make they don't have to spend on food or housing, because someone has already given that to them, so they can go spend that on drugs or whatever non-productive thing they want to. if they don't have any handouts, then maybe the money they'd spend on drugs might hurt their living situation a little.
Then they live on the street, in boarded up houses, and steal/mug for money anyhow until they die. Real addicts will never be accountable for their own actions.
8/4/08 2:45 p.m.
Drug addicts, accountable, lol. You do realize that starvation and malnutrition is a major factor in the death of many drug addicts. Strizzo, your trying to apply logic to drug addicts, stop doing that.
so in one breath you're saying don't write them off, and in the next you're saying we should just write them off as people and let them mooch from welfare until they die from their addictions or old age
perhaps you guys should try using some logic
8/4/08 3:13 p.m.
GlennS wrote:
Drug addicts, accountable, lol. You do realize that starvation and malnutrition is a major factor in the death of many drug addicts.
And...? I'm supposed to think this is a problem how?
Strizzo wrote:
so we should just keep paying them so they don't steal our stuff? maybe they just shouldn't steal our stuff, lets they meet with the business end of someone's home defense weapon
Yes, in that way, they're much like our federal government.
I am from a county that has had lots of shenanigans in its past (Dodge County, Ga) but this takes the cake. That raid on the mayors house was a warning to the mayor to stop Berzerkeleying with the status quo. That much weed does not just show up at someones house. And they just happened to have a SWAT team waiting out front? Since when are the police that quick? Since when does a SWAT team to a raid just for weed? No. Someone was trying to send a message to that mayor.
8/5/08 1:08 a.m.
Strizzo wrote:
so in one breath you're saying don't write them off, and in the next you're saying we should just write them off as people and let them mooch from welfare until they die from their addictions or old age
perhaps you guys should try using some logic
What I’m trying to say is the existence of food stamps has nothing to do with addiction. I really dont give a flying trout if they get food stamps or not. I don’t think getting rid of them would have any impact on the number of drug addicts running around causing problems.
I do however think that there are some people who do legitimately need help with their food situation however. I know many people take advantage of it but im not about to tell everyone on food stamps to go eat some cake because of drug addicts. Making sure your entire population is fed is a powerful stabilizing force that is a defining characteristic of first world nations.
GlennS wrote:
I do however think that there are some people who do legitimately need help with their food situation however. I know many people take advantage of it but im not about to tell everyone on food stamps to go eat some cake because of drug addicts. Making sure your entire population is fed is a powerful stabilizing force that is a defining characteristic of first world nations.
Yes there are a few, very few, that really need assistance. And by drug testing welfare recipients we do not deny those people. There are also enough things that need to be done that we could assign jobs in order to receive benefits. There is no need for someone to be paid to stay out of society. If you're conservative, it's value for money. If you're socialist/communist/democrat it's "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need". For either system leeches are bad but that is what our current system promotes.