this just jumped into my head. forgive me if GRM has discussed this before, but id like some input here.
i want to try a new kind of racing. think 1/4 mile drag racing, but down and back, so 1/2 mile. first, put the tree on the big end, so they start the car by the current 1320 line, facing the current tree location. that way the crowd gets to see the the u-turn. no cones or corner to go around, just open space, across the current start line to skid across and 'flip a bitch'. you'd have to separate the two lanes 'open u-turn space' with a jersey barrier, like you would in a burnout contest, just stronger. once your in the box, and turned around, then its a standard 1/4 mile drag back down in the classic direction, WOT till the 1320. time the whole thing as one race, start at the 1320, come down to 0, u-turn, head back as fast as you can.
i think this would be silly fun, even on dirt (might even exist on dirt). and the car prep would be cool, too. now not only does it need to go like hell, but stop really well, and not flip over in a panicked u-turn. i'm not sure if coming to an almost complete stop, then dumping the clutch for a power brake u-turn would be faster, or skidding sideways till near 0, then dropping the hammer and locking the wheel the other way to get you back facing the big end, but it would be a BLAST to watch.
thoughts? have i been awake too long? (going on hour 36 now...)
6/18/14 6:42 a.m.
So, you want to catapult drag racers (who are not generally rocket scientists or safety engineers) TOWARD the crowd and the review stands, let them stomp on whatever brakes they don't have with no decel space, then allow them to try to straighten it up and shoot it back the other direction??
I do not tink ur eensurance ees going to like dees...
6/18/14 6:47 a.m.
"Hey y'all, watch this!".
Isnt this how Brian and Roman won the Detroit Muscle in 2 Fast 2 Furious?
6/18/14 7:02 a.m.
I can recall having some rallycross events like this when there was just way too much mud on the field for anything else.
We've done this in rallycross before. It's fun.
Hold ma beer an watch this
6/18/14 10:08 a.m.
Bonus points for making the 180 turn in the oily burnout area.
Need a random light at the start telling them which way they need to do the 'U' turn, to the left or the right or people will build cars with massive offset. Also I don't like the Jersey barrier thing unless it goes the full length of the track. Imagine a car heading toward the END OF THE BARRIER at plaid speed then having an issue. Head on into the end of a barries aint a good idea Buba.
I think it sounds like a blast to do or watch but it would be so dangerous as to be impractical. You would almost need to build a facility from scratch with this in mind to make it even remotely safe.
Isn't this what most monster trucks do?
1/4 mile likely ends up way too fast. 1/8 mile would likely be a better fit.
...or dirt as mentioned.
Basically what a hairpin rally corner is.
Don't they have this already? I think they call it NASCAR. 
But really, not THAT much different then circle track racing. Just a long narrow track.
aircooled wrote:
Don't they have this already? I think they call it NASCAR.
But really, not THAT much different then circle track racing. Just a long narrow track.
Yes, it's called Martinsville Speedway. NASCAR goes there twice a year. Drag race, sharp u-turn drag race back.
logdog wrote:
Isnt this how Brian and Roman won the Detroit Muscle in 2 Fast 2 Furious?
Damn you are right...That is the one of the movies I have watched the least heck most of the time I even forget there were muscle cars in that one. Huh I will have to watch it again.
upon further consideration, i have a few more thoughts. first, there would need to be concrete wall separation between both lanes, all the way, no doubt. i also like the 1/8th mile idea. there would also have to be run-out on BOTH ends, not just the current 'big end'. that way if the brakes fail on the first leg, you have somewhere to go. i also agree with the random direction for the turn thing, but that's built in to the lane choice. right lane goes right, left lane goes left, closest to dial gets lane choice.
im in!
Fueled by Caffeine wrote:
Isn't this what most monster trucks do?
At some of the events they let you do it with your own truck. Few things are funnier than watching someone roll a brand new truck or snap the frame on a rusty old one.
Isn't that how they raced in the musical grease?
The Pro Touring crowd has a similar activity at some events.
Speed Stop Squared Challenge, sponsored by Wilwood is an exciting event, as drivers test the limits of acceleration, braking and driver skills all at the same time! Mirror image courses pit racers head-to-head as they accelerate in a short drag racing before heading back towards the start through the slalom course to stop in a designated "stop box." Hit a cone and the time penalty could be severe.
6/19/14 5:21 a.m.
jmthunderbirdturbo wrote:
upon further consideration, i have a few more thoughts. first, there would need to be concrete wall separation between both lanes, all the way, no doubt. i also like the 1/8th mile idea. there would also have to be run-out on BOTH ends, not just the current 'big end'. that way if the brakes fail on the first leg, you have somewhere to go. i also agree with the random direction for the turn thing, but that's built in to the lane choice. right lane goes right, left lane goes left, closest to dial gets lane choice.
im in!
So, you have 2 cars on the track simultaneously, both trying to switch lanes with each other while pulling a hairpin 180 through the burnout box at the same time?
This keeps getting better. 
Have you been drinking?
Adrian_Thompson wrote:
Need a random light at the start telling them which way they need to do the 'U' turn, to the left or the right or people will build cars with massive offset. Also I don't like the Jersey barrier thing unless it goes the full length of the track. Imagine a car heading toward the END OF THE BARRIER at plaid speed then having an issue. Head on into the end of a barries aint a good idea Buba.
Never mind potential for head on collision if the barrier doesn't run full length... But I'd watch it!
logdog wrote:
Isnt this how Brian and Roman won the Detroit Muscle in 2 Fast 2 Furious?
Like this? (stupid ads...)
down and back, twice
6/19/14 7:44 a.m.
In reply to SVreX:
No lane changes. I think he was saying that the guy on the right makes his 180 turn to his right and the guy on the left makes his 180 turn to the left, so they turn away from each other.