Let's see who can figure out why it fits the "dream home" status. Hint, I'd fill the garage with go karts
5/26/15 3:01 p.m.
Is it that big circle with no houses on it to the east of it?
Great example of another site that's been revamped to "mobile-friendly" that doesn't work anymore.
I can only see the first picture. Site refuses to let me navigate to anything else.
Close to the Maize Quest Fun Park?
Tripped across this one over the weekend:,-81.463889,27.505443,-81.467617_rect/17_zm/1_fr/?view=map
First one looks like you are living next to a stretched out version of Brands Hatch (short course).
Second one looks like you are living in Disney Cars Land.
In reply to MattGent:
Lakeview Dr. is too far from the track, The Chateau offers month long rates and I'm sure would lease a unit for a 6 month or year long term if desired. SWMBO'ed and I are going to look at the first one this weekend, She really likes the actual house. I like the lack of neighbors, being close to the river (though we've been looking at places on the water down in Maryland), lower taxes, space for stuff (not an increase in living space, but the garage space and having space for a large shed and the views. Bonus is that some great gravel roads are less then 5 miles away, trails with underwater bridge crossings are less then 10 miles away.
I'd trade a 10min drive to the track for a personal kart facility and boathouse.
On the PA house, what is the ownership / zoning / development status of all the other plots along Trone? May not have no neighbors for long.
In reply to MattGent:
I totally missed the kart facility on the Sebring property, that changes everything :)
The PA location does have the potential for neighbors as the lots around Throne road have been subdivided, but that occurred in 2007 and the lots haven't been perked and the developer who owned the land has since gone under, there was no bid on the lot of the lots at the bankruptcy auction and the land was turned over to York county, who has leased the property to a farmer since they took ownership in 2011. A sealed bid has been submitted to York county on the lots which includes the provision of allows the county to control the land use as it pertains to leasing of the land for agricultural use in exchange for waiving of property taxes through 2025. It is the first bid that they have received on the land in the 4 years of ownership.
Mine looks like this, only with the entire ground floor a garage/fab shop
<img src="
" />
A friend's uncle basically built the above house, with the entire lower floor as a workshop for their Talbot, on a cliff in Northern Ireland.
Someone's dream home:
Another dream home near me:
The first house looks like a small garage attached to a house that is way too much work.