SVreX wrote:
Though it wouldn't technically be a ban, I am pretty sure "they" could make alternatives to driverless cars pretty unbearable.
Agreed, and in the same way. By offering the same service for significantly less cost. Same as Amazon and Wal-mart do with products.
Maybe we should start a 'Drive-local' campaign. Just to get ahead of the curve.
Yep, in some places the gummint already can tell you not to buy a Big Gulp or eat trans fats. What's to stop them from telling you that you can't drive, they gotta protect you from yourself? Next thing you know they will say they can come take your guns. Or tell you that you can't skydive. Or any one of a thousand things because you might get hurt, thus shrinking the available pools of tax and insurance premium dollars. 
I'm not so sure I subscribe to the idea of this so called Utopia where people are insulated from the big bad world as being a good thing.
1/8/15 12:34 p.m.
Nah, you can keep your guns. We got plenty.
...but we WILL require a programmable smartlock with a wireless registration. 
After all, its for the children.