Florida Ten Accidentally Shoots Of His Penis and Testicle.
Well, at least he has a piece left...
PORT ST. LUCIE, Florida (WTSP) - A teenager is recovering after police say he shot himself in the penis and testicle while cleaning a gun he just bought.
It happened Thursday morning at a home on the 200 block of Verada Street in Port St. Lucie.
Police say 18-year-old Michael Smeriglio first lied to police saying someone shot him while he was walking down the street. After being questioned by police he admitted to accidentally doing it himself.
Doctors say the bullet went through his penis, his left testicle and then lodged itself in his thigh.
Smeriglio told police he bought the gun last month at a party.
While police were investigating at the home where it happened, they discovered marijuana in the house. That led to the arrest of the homeowner Joseph Lamar James, 22, on drug charges.
OK, maybe drugs weren't involved and sheer stupidity was, but I'm betting they'll find cheeto powder on the gun.
N Sperlo wrote:
OK, maybe drugs weren't involved and sheer stupidity was, but I'm betting they'll find cheeto powder on the gun.
Noooo. If there was cheeto powder he'd have been licking it off and taken himself out of the gene pool instead. Actual I guess he has taken himself out of the gene pool if he's removed his wedding tackle
, he ain't going to be reproducing anyway. Good one Darwin
Nothing better than a living darwin award.
I look forward to seeing more on this. Only one cube is gone, so with one undamaged and the penis shot with likely a .22, it may be possible to repair, plus, there's always a way to get sperm.
On that, I have to change my stance on guns. .22 pistols are awful for self defense, unless you are protecting yourself from your own penis. Then, by all means, use a .22.
N Sperlo wrote:
I look forward to seeing more on this. Only one cube is gone, so with one undamaged and the penis shot with likely a .22, it may be possible to repair, plus, there's always a way to get sperm.
Dangit, I can't find that bit from Idiocracy where they repair Clevon's reproductive bits after he lands on a wrought iron gate trying to jump a jet ski from a lake into a pool or something like that...

Kind of glad you can't...
I always thought that the first thing to do when cleaning a gun is to make sure it is not loaded.
Guess not, when I hear of these "accidents".
ransom wrote:
N Sperlo wrote:
I look forward to seeing more on this. Only one cube is gone, so with one undamaged and the penis shot with likely a .22, it may be possible to repair, plus, there's always a way to get sperm.
Dangit, I can't find that bit from Idiocracy where they repair Clevon's reproductive bits after he lands on a wrought iron gate trying to jump a jet ski from a lake into a pool or something like that...
He tried to stop the chainsaw with his crotch - based on a REAL warning label on a real chainsaw warning you not to do that.
I peeled the warning label off the automatic fence at work, so that people think you're supposed to stand in its way while attempting to close it.
9/12/12 1:39 p.m.
ransom wrote:
N Sperlo wrote:
I look forward to seeing more on this. Only one cube is gone, so with one undamaged and the penis shot with likely a .22, it may be possible to repair, plus, there's always a way to get sperm.
Dangit, I can't find that bit from Idiocracy where they repair Clevon's reproductive bits after he lands on a wrought iron gate trying to jump a jet ski from a lake into a pool or something like that...
Get your hands off my junk!
Grizz wrote:
Get your hands off my junk!
Great, apparently I can't remember E36 M3 
GameboyRMH wrote:
He tried to stop the chainsaw with his crotch - based on a REAL warning label on a real chainsaw warning you not to do that.
I thought somebody actually did this?
How many effing times do we have to say it:
9/12/12 4:38 p.m.
Twin_Cam wrote:
How many effing times do we have to say it:
If guns were cleaned as often as they appear to be news reports in self-inflicted accidental shootings (usually by idiots who I'm sure couldn't find an oily rag if their lives depended on it), every firearm on the planet would be in mint condition.
Curmudgeon wrote:
I had a girlfriend who could have used one of those (the belt, not the grinder)
Like I said to my coworkers:
Forget Tupperware parties...the new fad is "Pistol Parties!"
In reply to Sperlo: By all means, indeed.
ClemSparks wrote:
Like I said to my coworkers:
Forget Tupperware parties...the new fad is "Pistol Parties!"
In reply to Sperlo: By all means, indeed.
I originally read that as "pistol panties". I guess it works for this guy now
berkeleyin Port St. Lousy. Typical.
mad_machine wrote:
ClemSparks wrote:
Like I said to my coworkers:
Forget Tupperware parties...the new fad is "Pistol Parties!"
In reply to Sperlo: By all means, indeed.
I originally read that as "pistol panties". I guess it works for this guy now
In reply to Secretariata:
the sparks are not coming from the grinder...