This veteran was fishing in Baja when the county cut the weeds on his property. It turns out that they were not weeds but native Chapparal. Now the government is trying to coerce him into paying for their foul up.,0,4653627.htmlstory
I like his land and dwelling, I hope he wins.
I put this in the wrong spot
3/16/11 12:10 p.m.
That is very sad and frustrating. It's bullE36 M3 that people complain about the government getting its fingers into billionaire boardrooms as if they could make it worse, when things like this are screwing with little people who cant fight back and dont have anything to lose that they dont NEED.
People are so hypocritical when they complain about government control. They fight for rich men because deep down they think they will someday be rich, and they let the poor man fall in the ditch and sneer at them because at some level they feel that they arent the same.
Bad news, people. The big guys arent gonna help you, and the people that would do what they could for you are getting thrown under the bus. Fight the government that's fighting YOU, not the one trying to save your ass from billionaire stupidity.
$27,000 to cut down some weeds?
I think I'm getting into the Government Landscaping business.
what a kickass dude. I hope it goes his way - screw the governator.
Bummer, man.... that's a real bummer.
You think the nihilists did this?
Teh E36 M3 wrote:
Bummer, man.... that's a real bummer.
You think the nihilists did this?
No, Donnie, these are Nazis.
Nihilists!? berkeley me. I mean, say what you like about the tenets of national socialism, dude, at least it's an ethos.
Also, "Dude-screwed" has a certain ring to it.
Hey, careful, man, there's a beverage here
Type Q
3/16/11 2:23 p.m.
I saw the subject line and thought "Was it consentual?" Then I saw it said "...the man" and not "..a man." I really need to pay closer attention.
3/16/11 5:29 p.m.
4cylndrfury wrote:
what a kickass dude. I hope it goes his way - screw the governator.
You know there was an election last year, right?
It's Governor Moonbeam now.
In reply to Will:
yeah, but it doesnt have the same ring to it...calis gov will always be...The Governator!!! 
3/16/11 7:58 p.m.
In reply to 4cylndrfury:
Thank God you're wrong. I voted for Arnold in the recall, but boy did he turn out to be a turd. All I can say in my defense is that you should have seen the other guys.
Vigo wrote:
Bad news, people. The big guys arent gonna help you, and the people that would do what they could for you are getting thrown under the bus. Fight the government that's fighting YOU, not the one trying to save your ass from billionaire stupidity.
They are one and the same Government... they should be in neither the boardroom nor your backyard.
You're basically saying "chose your dictator wisely" when the choice exists not to have a dictator at all.
People "fight for the rich" because they know that a Government that has the power to take on capitalism certainly has the power to dominate individuals and inidividual property rights... and history shows they always have.
Vigo wrote:
People are so hypocritical when they complain about government control. They fight for rich men because deep down they think they will someday be rich, and they let the poor man fall in the ditch and sneer at them because at some level they feel that they arent the same.
Funny... i'm having a related debate on a local board. Turns out my viewpoints aren't popular in the least.
I'm not ready to give this guy martyr status yet....
Is what is happening to him right? No, but I also think there's a bit more that's not being reported. I find it hard to believe that after one complaint that the "man" sent out a contractor to clear his land. I'm sure there was letters and warnings sent out en masse. I also wouldn't be surprised if those went ignored as the news story mentions that he has not attended any of the hearings and hasn't played very nicely since the clearing occurred.
Also, while I admit I know nothing about chaparral, there was a posting in the comment section of that story that claims that it can be very flammable......
I do hope this guy gets a happy ending in all this though.
Marty! wrote:
I'm not ready to give this guy martyr status yet....
Is what is happening to him right? No, but I also think there's a bit more that's not being reported.
Agreed. Some of what has been reported shows him in a less than victim light.
That said, we've got similar situation in my county, a farming county. Zoning board passed a regulation mandating universal mowing of any and all grasses over something like 4". It is now illegal to have any meadows, marshes, pastures, fallow fields, etc. It is currently in court, as the county parks, nature centers, farm bureau, etc are less than pleased with this. Don't know if the county has tried to enforce it or not.
wcelliot wrote:
People "fight for the rich" because they know that a Government that has the power to take on capitalism certainly has the power to dominate individuals and inidividual property rights... and history shows they always have.
The only reason the income tax was ever approved was because it was "sold" to the general public as a way to punish those evil rich folks and it would never trickle down to the rest of us.
That worked out like they said huh?
z31maniac wrote:
The only reason the income tax was ever approved was because it was "sold" to the general public as a way to punish those evil rich folks and it would never trickle down to the rest of us.
That's not my understanding of history. More a war effort cost first, then a tariff reduction and a depression.
This is what happens when you find a stranger in the Alps!
foxtrapper wrote:
That's not my understanding of history. More a war effort cost first, then a tariff reduction and a depression.
We were at war in 1913? Good to know!
The first modern income tax in 1894 (the first peacetime income tax, overturned the next year by the Supreme Court) was a 2% income tax on people earning more than $4000/yr, or in effect only the top 10% of the nation.
This "making the rich pay their fair share" is how it garnered enough support to be passed to begin with.
Then again when the 16th Amendment passed, the low tax bracket was 1% and the top 7%, again see the tax rate for the wealthy at 7x that of the common man?
z31maniac wrote:
We were at war in 1913? Good to know!
Might want to go back in history further than that. All the way back to 1864, when the first national income tax was enacted. There was a bit of a struggle going on here at the time, some call it war.
A significant federal office was created before then, in 1862, called Commissioner of Internal Revenue. You might recognize that name.
As long as you're Google searching and coming up with Wikipedia entries to lift things from, try not just the Wilson–Gorman Tariff Act page, but the Income tax in the United States page and the Panic of 1893 page.