I'm lucky to already have a sink in my garage with hot/cold water in a drop in utility style sink cut into a counter/cabinet.
I'd like to add a hose real mounted on the side of the cabinet so I have easy access to wash cars and things from that garage water source. Ideally I'd love to be able to mix hot/cold water when filling car wash buckets.
What's the easiest way to add this second connection while also giving myself the ability to adjust hot/cold without having to go under the sink every time?
I'd like to mount a wall mount side reel like this on the side of the cabinet next to the sink, and I'd rather not have to hook/unhook the source to the sink tap. (leave hose hooked up and still use the sink whenever).

I have a shop sink in my garage and I just thread the hose right onto the spout. Do you need a second source or can you get away with a faucet change?

I could swap out the faucet for one like that, I guess i was looking for a "just leave it connected" option. (first world problem I know).
Basically leave the hose connected and still be able to use my sink at the same time.
Run a new hot and cold line to the reel, valve on each line, T outputs together, then screw your hose on. I think it would be be ok code wise so long as you use a check valve before each mixing valve(good idea anyways).
I agree with woody, the sink connector. Hoses on a reel, charged, rupture. And usually at the worse time. You could rig up another faux spigot for it, using two valves to control the mix. But I don't think it would be worthwhile.
Well yeah I wouldn't leave it pressurized.
3/18/14 7:20 a.m.
Use the faucet as mentioned above then put a Y fitting on it so you can keep the hose hooked up but still have access to the faucet if that's what you'd really like to do.

3/18/14 7:26 a.m.
Do it the right way. Get below the sink and add in some Tees and find a hot and cold hose bibb at a store. Make sure you get one with a vacuum breaker built in or get one that goes between the threaded end of the hose bibb and the hose.