So while I was looking for park time work on Craigslist, I should have been paying attention on here about being scam'd. Long story short, the money was NOT to good to be true but now my bank account is frozen until the bank gets paid back.
I have a completely clean record I don't even have a speeding ticket. My main question is: The banks are Insure'd are they not?? I don't mind paying the money that I "work" for, but the $2,500. dose leave a bitter taste in my mouth.
What is the best way about try to fix this. Seeing how I pretty much just gave away a challenge budget plus amount of money.
Calm down. We need details in order to assist.
This supposedly he lives here (Dayton OH) and is out of town for various business dealing, he needed a personal assistant. I figure "hmm I can do this it will work around my college schedule and my other job". Finally after a few week of not hearing from this guy I get an email. Stating there is a check at my apt (sent via FedEx) and my first assignment. We had talk (via email) about what I would be doing. Buying some odds and ends things and storing them for him.
I would be getting paid $350 a week for each time I had to these arrens for him, there would be a lot of ruining around that would be doing.
The was there when I got home, Inside it said I need to send the balance to an artist in VT, I was told to send it Western Union. My bank said it would be a few days before I could send the money. I thought "no big deal, they need to make sure its a real check, not fraud". It took a week until the check came back. now my account is way over drawn and froze.
And I am pretty calm, even though I am behind on rent and my car payment, life is pretty sweet :)
triumph5 wrote:
Calm down. We need details in order to assist.
That may be how Rio got into trouble in the first place.....
5/12/11 11:24 a.m.
Aww man - so you used your personal account and personal bank to rip someone else off on a western union scam. That stinks. I have never been there, but have you tried the police? It was a crime, after all. They might be able to suggest something useful.
I'm a tad confused on how the account was drained. I don't use western union because scammers always use it. Pay Pal only from now on is my suggestion to you.
Good luck. This guy is probably in Romania. Your only option is to file a report with the FBI.
It began to sound like you were being set up as a drug mule.
So you never met this guy? Strike one
You used your personal finances for him. Strike two.
You're now screwed, and your credit rating just
took a hit. Strike Three.
Go talk to the cops, now, in person, and bring all the documentation you have.. At the very least it can help with your now damaged credit history. And should your name come up some time down the line when they catch this guy, you won't be drawn into interstate commerce felonies.
Tuna's right on this one. I'm sure you're not the only person caught up in this.
5/12/11 11:46 a.m.
The scam tip-off was send the extra money by Western Union to a third party.
triumph5 wrote:
And should your name come up some time down the line when they catch this guy, you won't be drawn into interstate commerce felonies.
You're using some pretty scary language there.
He can't get in any more trouble, and any records will show him innocent of any felony that has taken place. He is a victim of a crime ether it be an internet scam or trafficking of anything.
The only thing the police will do is refer him to a federal agency.
5/12/11 12:03 p.m.
a wacko thought - homeowners insurance? Worth a call. Does the bank have some sort of insurance policy?
The bank I use is US Bank, they are FDIC. And yes I do have insurance on my apt.
I did talk to the police, for about 2 hours, when they Call'd back today they said in a nut shell I am screw'd. I do have a number for a good attorney. I dont know if $2,500 is even worth contacting him for though?
5/12/11 12:13 p.m.
RioRacer wrote:
The bank I use is US Bank, they are FDIC. And yes I do have insurance on my apt.
I did talk to the police, for about 2 hours, when they Call'd back today they said in a nut shell I am screw'd. I do have a number for a good attorney. I dont know if $2,500 is even worth contacting him for though?
Call those insurances and see if there's anything on your policy for internet fraud or the like - doubtful but possible. I doubt an attorney would help, who will they sue? You don't know this guys real name, his address, his SS, nothing.
Your only option is to file a report with the FBI.
...who will laugh and tell you you're out of luck. They won't lift a finger for anything under $100k. Wanna know how I know? Good friend got ripped off for...ready...$30k from a 'company' in China that was supposed to be building parts for him. The F tells him, essentially, to get bent. Your tax dollars hard at work.
N Sperlo wrote:
triumph5 wrote:
And should your name come up some time down the line when they catch this guy, you won't be drawn into interstate commerce felonies.
You're using some pretty scary language there.
He can't get in any more trouble, and any records will show him innocent of any felony that has taken place. He is a victim of a crime ether it be an internet scam or trafficking of anything.
The only thing the police will do is refer him to a federal agency.
Don't want to add to his freak out anymore than it is now; but, by going forth now, hopefully he won't have to deal with any federal agency later on. That will not be fun. It will be much easier to say, "this is what happened today" than," oh, yes, that was x time ago, and we handled it then by..."
And the police report will help repair his credit. This is one situation where being very proactive is better than explaining what went on later.
Rio: By any chance is there a law school nearby? Or even contacting the local/state bar association might be able to refer you to a free/low cost attorney. And there's your state's attorney general's office. Moneys on an attorney, only you can decide if it's in your financial budget.
Your biggest problem, from what you've said, is you can't physically get your hands on this guy for prosecution.
This was/is a hard lesson to learn about when it comes to other people's business, you make sure you're using their money and accounts.
I plan on talking to one of the teachers to night when I go on for my finals, He was a Pros acuter for 15 years, he also works for Lexus Nexis. ha should have some insight on this.
I have got emails from manufature in china wanting to build stuff wonder if its the same scam.
Looks like I get to pay the bank money I never had. On a bright note, I am pretty sure I did well on my final. :)
do you fail your final if you spell past tense verbs with an " 'd " at the end instead of "ed"?
patgizz wrote:
do you fail your final if you spell past tense verbs with an " 'd " at the end instead of "ed"?
Hopefully he knows the appropriate use of "a" and "an" 
sue western union for perpetuating the fraud in vermont...?
I doubt there is any added dimension to this (drug money, etc) this is a very, very well known scam in one form or another that has been going on for years. I think all you can do is file a police report just in case something did come up later, and spend more time researching things before sending money to people online (this scam is mentioned 2nd on the list on the avoiding scams link at the top of every craigslist page).
poopshovel wrote:
Your only option is to file a report with the FBI.
...who will laugh and tell you you're out of luck. They won't lift a finger for anything under $100k. Wanna know how I know? Good friend got ripped off for...ready...$30k from a 'company' in China that was supposed to be building parts for him. The F tells him, essentially, to get bent. Your tax dollars hard at work.
Going to the FBI and filing a report creates a paper trail that can be used by the courts to prove one innocent on case something illegal has taken place. By not doing anything, you set yourself up for looking guilty. If the money is all you are worried about, fantastic. Don't go to the FBI, but like someone said, you may have been used in transfer of something illegal and if you think it is remotely possible, it would be very ignorant to not go to the feds because poop shovel doesn't like them.
If you don't use protection she might get pregnant. If you don't go to the feds you might lose a lot more money when you have to go to court.
I think you've pretty much done all you can. Got the police report and came forward. Atty won't be able to do squat for you, except maybe scam another $2500 from you for their "services".
As much as it sucks, may be best to call it a lesson learned the hard way and move on.
Hey, I know a nigerian prince who maybe able to help you out... err Sorry dude but yeah, sounds like a lesson learned.. scammers suck