JohnSSC wrote:
I didn't "hide" behind anything. I immediately emailed you as you well know Margie and discussed the issue in detail.
However you wanted to address my post is fine but I did send an email with my concern as well and included my name, etc.
There is a difference between what I would characterize as disagreeable words and words/pictures that are racist in nature and in my opinion I felt that line had been crossed.
Oh, yeah, you e-mailed me. Found it in my box after I posted here. (Delightful, thanks.)
Next time use the Report button before you accuse me of ignoring racist content and thus being a racist myself.
Once again, avatar has been removed, warnings issued, and frankly folks, I am absolutely sick to death of your political posts/whining bullcrap. You (and you know who you are) have made this forum almost as much of a drag as watching TV during the evening news has been during the past 2 years. Add some ads for arthritis drugs and a couple of grimacing, botoxed hosts, and we're there. So in case Per's "playground rules" didn't cover it enough, shut. up. with the ugliness.
Besides, in case you didn't get the memo, as soon as you feel that spewing is what you need to do to win your argument, you've already lost.
11/6/08 6:34 a.m.
poopshovel wrote:
SVreX wrote:
You're better than a comment like that, Poopy.
Point taken, though I'm obviously not "better" than a comment like that.
I seem to recall a very extended and heartfelt apology after the flaming Hong fiasco that convinced me there is a real, respectable, intelligent human in there behind all the crud on the outside. Much like me. It was that apology that convinced me to come back to the Challenge, after I had decided I'd had enough.
Don't get me wrong, you can be a first class a$$, so don't climb too high on your pedestal. The avatar thing ranked pretty high on the a$$ scale.
But I happen to know there are 2 sides to Poopy. You just need to focus on the one you like to hide.
I'd like this thread to die a quick pain free death as much as anyone. But I have a question....
Margie, what the hell kinda avatar rat critter is THAT??!!
thank you.
Poop's a pretty good guy, actually. Sometimes he stretches the boundaries of good taste, but that's one of the things I like about him. 
914Driver wrote:
I'd like this thread to die a quick pain free death as much as anyone. But I have a question....
Margie, what the hell kinda avatar rat critter is THAT??!!
thank you.
it's an Aye Aye:
For some reason I feel a kinship. Maybe because we share a type of cuteness: Looks kinda cuddly at first glance, then get a little closer, and... aaaaahhhh! It has sharp teeth and a long middle finger!
Margie - it is cute. But as for it being the world's largest nocturnal primate, they obviously never met my old roommate, Dave!
Thanks for steering us back from the brink.
Yep, lotsa common denominator for sure; why I like Jack - Jack. Cute, cuddly until you piss him off or mess with his mommy.
Thanx, Dan
If you squint, It kinda looks like Jar Jar Binks.
Hey folks,
FYI, Just got on the board for the first time since last night, so GRM staff folks, I haven't been ignoring you. I'll try to be brief:
PER!: Matt is my brother. Matt is not on this board. I am Mike.
JohnSCC: You've got me all wrong, and you've mis-quoted me, but that's fine. Come hang out at the hot tub and have a drink or 18 at the Challenge. I think you'll find I'm certainly not "hiding" behind anything, and the Obamahitler was on a car that we towed from atlanta to SC. I thought it was funny. The jewish dudes from california thought it was funny. Sorry you didn't see the humor in it.
I don't like getting pigeon-holed as the guy who gets his rocks off pushing people's buttons. Seriously.
I have a south-parky sense of humor, as do most (all) of the folks I'm friends with. The more potentially "offensive" the better, and NOBODY is off limits. Including my mother.
(Here's your cue to start making "poopshovel's mamma" jokes.)
I'm sincerely sorry to the staff if this has caused headaches for you, and to anyone who got offended, with the exception of Ignorant, as he's a whiny bitch (joking...he knows where the reference comes from.)
In a surprising move, Motorsports Marketing will be changing it's name to Mortarsports Marketing. It seems that a bunch of Challengers got into a political discussion in front of the boss.
In other news Margies new patio looks like Poopie.
(I still love ya! :) )
Tim Baxter wrote:
I like your new avatar.
It's gay. Oh wait, did I just start another flamer? 
With an Avatar like that-I think the Flamer started without you!
(Not that theres anything wrong with that)
If someone doesn't say "It just ain't your day" real soon, I'll lose all faith in humanity.
I couldn't love GRM the magazine or the website more, and believe me, I don't like to be the P.C police or anything or the guy who has a problem with everything thing, but I do have a problem with this...
I find it a bit offensive that you use pictures of unicorns and rainbows for avatars and calling said unicorns and rainbows gay. I myself am not a unicorn or rainbow, nor am I gay, (well maybe once or twice at band camp but like they say you don't know 'till ya try) but I feel sensitivity for unicorns and rainbows as I understand the unicorn had a sad plight (best summed up by the Irish rovers and I have several family members who are very very gay
These terms although I'm pretty sure are not even real objects, are obviously meant to describe horse like critters with one horn, diffused light in the sky (which I have only seen at the end of the Muppet Movie, I cried a little) and people who do things I don't really understand, and it appears that they are used on these boards in a joking sense which, as I view it, makes light of the afflicted.
It just dosen't seem right to me, thats all. I know that it's not my message board, and that noone forces me to post here, but all the same, some things are wrong when they really don't need to be.
W. B Miller
Annonomus message board poster, aspiring crumudgeon, and now, practicer of equine necrophilia
Wally wrote: practicer of equine necrophilia
And I thought I was the only one here. What a relief.
Per Schroeder
Technical Editor/Advertising Director
11/6/08 9:05 a.m.
poopshovel wrote:
PER!: Matt is my brother. Matt is not on this board. I am Mike.
Yea, I realized that after I posted it and forgot to edit. As my dad would say, "At least I didn't call you the dog's name—this time."
Wally, you are a sick sick man. 'Equine necrophilia'.
And it just ain't your day, poop. 
We've gone well beyond just beating a dead horse
I'm stil wondering why so many republicans chose not to vote.
11/6/08 9:33 a.m.
poopshovel wrote:
If someone doesn't say "It just ain't your day" real soon, I'll lose all faith in humanity.
dude it just ain't your day.
Seriously I'm glad everyone got over all of this (well except johnssc). I just got on the board this morning and was all ready to type up a "I've got Poops back, JohnSSC needs to get some thicker skin, blah blah PC police, politics, etc. etc", but now I can just sit back, relax, and look at the pretty unicorn with the Rainbow.

My unicorn can kick your unicorn's ass.