Drove past this last weekend and had to turn around... Phone is something like a first generation dumb Apple smart phone so there was a 3 second delay between snapping the photo and the phone taking the photo along with a lot of Cropping and Zooming.

Can't tell what it was but it doesn't look like any EV I recognize. The size of the brakes suggests it's a gas car.
I had a nagging hunch it might've been an E60 5-series and it could be a match:

Cadillac ct5. That's my bet.
In reply to mattm :
Could be, odd how it has a similar shape to the E60 5-series down to the shape of the panels while not looking similar overall:

See the chrome trim under the mirror? That's why my bet was CT5 and not E60. Plus the shape of the trunk.
I think that the headlight cut-out notch in the fender holds a clue.
You saw it in person while we only have the photos from a camera that politely, sucks. If you know what it is, maybe you could start describing it. lol
On seeing the thread title, my first thought was "oh no, here we go again!" Relieved to see other.
I only saw what you see right here and only for a few seconds. I have no idea what it was. It looks like it's fiberglass the way the entire hood, roof, and firewall burned out.
VolvoHeretic said:
I think that the headlight cut-out notch in the fender holds a clue.
I was assuming the metal got into that shape from the fire, but if it is a headlight cutout, we might want to look into Audis, Maseratis, and Alfa-Romeos.
It doesn't really matter what brand car that is, only whether it was electric or gas. But, I see that wheel style on a lot of Audis on the internet.

4/30/24 10:45 a.m.
I'm pretty sure it's an Audi S something. The little chrome badge on the fender up by the mirror says V6T or V8T on those x just in that position, also corroborates with the huge brakes and wheel style.
Really hard to tell but could that tail light be roughly 2010 Audi S8?
Next question is: Did Audi use aluminum for their hoods and roofs?
4/30/24 12:14 p.m.
The Audi A8/S8 have been all-aluminum construction for a couple of decades now.
The chrome window trim, fender badge placement, and rear end seem to match the 2015-ish S8 pretty well: