I know a lot of you consider me a goody two shoes. Here's my dirty little secret- I'm a former 5 pack per day smoker. Smoked for 14 years.
Gentlemen, I deeply understand your pain. I LIKED smoking. I knew all the tricks- smoke rings, lighter tricks, fancy things with matches, everything.
There are few things in my life that were harder than quiting smoking. I remember after a few months seeing no benefit- still winded, still no improved taste of food, still couldn't handle a flight of stairs, still was craving them continuously. It kind of pissed me off.
I made it. Trust me, it was WELL worth it.
But I had to pull out all the stops.
I got my wife to forbid me to smoke in the house. I remember a lot of cold lonely nights in the snow or rain puffing on those darned things. I marked a calender daily with all the butts I had NOT smoked. I went to classes by the American Cancer Society. I tried nicotine gum, cigarette alternatives. I didn't try hypnosis (I still think it's pretty stupid). I gave everyone I knew Christmas cards promising them I had quit so they wouldn't have to put up with me stinking up their house or burning holes in their sofa just so they would hold me accountable if they caught me. I stuffed my face with candy substitutes, gained 25 lbs, stopped hanging out with most of my friends (they smoked), stopped drinking, stopped going to bars, stopped drinking coffee. I even borrowed someone else's car (cause my truck wouldn't start till I lit up).
I changed all my habits, my friends, my hangouts. My Dad put $1000 in a bank account with my name on it- he told me he would give me access to it after one year if I stayed clean.
What a pain. Yes, it WAS worth it.
And eventually I saw some of those benefits.
But mostly, 24 years later, my kids have never seen me with one of those damned things hanging out of my mouth, and I have enjoyed a heck of a lot of time with them.