Took a search back and didn’t see any old topics on it. Does anyone else have an emblem collection going? I had a bunch on my wall as a kid and now that I have moved for what is hopefully the last time in a while I got some motivation to hang them back up. Rediscovering what is in the pile and coming up with a pattern to fit them on the wall has been a great time. I’m going for a random pattern and trying to pack them in densely. Picture is after day one, will post an update when there are more up.

The first few I collected were from the family farm and came from vehicles as bodywork was done or they were scrapped in the 70’s timeframe. Finding these as a kid got me started. When traveling my Mom would take me to junkyards to grab a few and I think she had as much fun as me wandering around. I quickly learned from the yards to only take emblems from damaged panels or remove them without trashing anything. At this point I have been in yards in NY, MA, MI, GA, UT and probably a few others. The parents even went to a junkyard in Italy on vacation and brought a few back for me.
No real theme for collecting, just stuff I think is cool. Some big truck emblems, a few bus ones otherwise cars ranging from ~1950 to the 90s. I have done a few orders of random lots from Ebay, could see doing that again for fun.
Nice collection. Mine are scattered about--some on this shelf, some on that shelf....
Mowing the lawn the tractor vaporlocked after I ran it out of gas so there was an hour to put some more emblems up on the wall. I stop when it starts to get tedious. The fun of discovery continues and the best are ones that have a memory of the car or the person they came from in some way. More than half way through at this point but this wall is starting to make me want to pretty up other walls in the garage. Scope creep, is that you?

I promise to take a decent picture at some point.
That Saab 93B grill is awesome.
I've got a bunch of weird ones, many from Australian cars. I'll see if I can dig some out.
I have a shoebox full of emblems that I need to mount to something at some point. While emblems have been drying up at the junkyards lately since newer stuff doesn't have as many, the yearly local swap meet I go to has a vendor that has tables of old emblems. I usually snag a few interesting ones for the collection.

Grabbed these last year:

That "Front Wheel Drive" one in fancy Brougham script gave me a chuckle, so I had to have it.
I pulled the emblems off of my RX-8 and a Forester XT I saw at the junkyard. I intend to make a shadow box using a picture of the cars at an autocross and rallycross, respectively, with the emblems over the picture.
I've got a few more scatterd around with no plans for them. Maybe I'll put them in the holiday box this year.
I just have the one, GSL-SE emblem I took off a parts car that I had many years ago during my rotary affliction. It's on my tool box: