The other enclosed trailer thread got me to thinking: why are enclosed trailers built so damn heavy? They seem to be constructed of plywood with aluminum sheeting over the outside, I'd imagine this is for strength but man it's heavy.
Peter Brock's trailer design is really cool and lightweight and all but dayumn it's expensive.

There used to be a really cool motorcycle trailer sold by Hi Point:

which was a thin fiberglass shell reinforced with aluminum tubing mounted to a steel trailer frame. They were light and easy to tow, Hi Point no longer sells them but they are still in high demand in the motorcycle world.
So is there some kind of arcane DOT reg that makes the things so heavy now? Or is that just the cheapest way to do it?
Mine is heavy but there's no plywood in it. In fact it's all aluminum.
The more weight you're going to put into something, the stronger and thus heavier it needs to be. I like the fact that my trailer is way overbuilt. You can get away with a light little trailer with motorcycles because they don't weigh much. Start getting into cars and you've changed the dynamic.
My trailer cost more used than the Brock trailer is new... Damn horses.
Most of the weight of my enclosed trailer isn't the plywood, it is the steel frame rails and all of the cross rails. That and the rear door, thankfully it has garage door springs to help lift it. Peter Brocks trailer is very cool, just not very affordable.
DaveEstey wrote:
My trailer cost more used than the Brock trailer is new... Damn horses.
Methinks you are going about this all wrong. The horses should be pulling you around, not the other way 'round. Please see attached image:

There was a company that made fabric type of enclosed carrier. Sort of like a convertible. I don't think it would survive light snow loads, but would at least keep your car semi clean during transport.
1988RedT2 wrote:
DaveEstey wrote:
My trailer cost more used than the Brock trailer is new... Damn horses.
Methinks you are going about this all wrong. The horses should be pulling you around, not the other way 'round. Please see attached image:
Nothing like staring at a horses ass all day. No thanks.