I just helped a crazy person with a computer problem. A pleasant and, by all appearances, normal person who I only knew was crazy after looking at the tablet for about 15 seconds.
Physically the tablet is pretty normal apart from a military-grade screen privacy filter that looks like a mirror unless you look through it exactly straight on, in which case it looks like you're peering the wrong way through a one-way mirror and you can just barely see the screen. What a PITA.
On it are over a jillion apps, mostly religious apps...PAGES AND PAGES of them with seemingly identical functions (most are some variant of "Bible quote" or "Daily scripture"). There are some horoscope readers as well and I swiped past one dating app (fun fact: Unless you're into long-distance relationships, those are generally useless here). The others are news readers, some apps that display quotes from famous people, and some "self-help" apps.
Found out that the apps "Drugs dictionary" was hanging and bogging down the CPU so I removed it after consulting with the user. Its buddy "Disease dictionary" didn't seem to be causing a problem.
I've fixed a lot of other people's computers, and you often stumble across things the owner probably didn't want you to see in the process, but I've never seen anything like this before.
Heh. Reminds me of "the website is down" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W8_Kfjo3VjU
No gratuitous amounts of porn? Looks like I'm safe.
Occupation: High School Guidance Counselor
whew, I don't have a tablet so it can't be mine.
Wait. I DON'T have a tablet. Maybe I used to and it was stolen and your friend (spy contact, I mean: I"M ON TO YOU) has it now and you erased my memory of its existence and NOW, ONLY NOW are you trying to crack into my deepest darkest secrets, you've already managed to get past my view filter and the false flag app.
what have you seen
n/m, i do have a tablet and it's right here. we cool.
12/3/15 7:53 p.m.
I would hate to see what kind of porn that kind of crazy would watch.
I'm sure it would involve riding crops, nun habits, Hitler lookalikes, and scatalogical practices. Lots of hidden shame there. Possibly diapers.
12/4/15 6:45 a.m.
Thanks for helping out, my grandma really appreciated it. 
Screen shots or it didn't happen. 
12/4/15 10:53 p.m.
That's bad, but not as bad as going to a guys mom's house. She lets you in and tells you her son has the computer in the basement. You go down, and its in a room that seems to exist for no reason. The desk is a mid century Steelcase. On it are 3 things: laptop, box of tissues, hand lotion. The immediate question is whether the keyboard or the browsing history are more gross.