All you folks that are thinking about how nice it's been to not shovel snow this winter, or are happy to have not been sliding around, or those who just don't like icicles hanging from your nose hair can thank me. Yes, after 2 years of procrastination, before winter hit I finally fixed my snow blower This isn't some wimpy little snow broom either. It's a big ol' 2-stage deal that can bust through anything and gets right down to the pavement.
I knew when I did got the blower running that we'd have very little snow this year but I did it anyway. So, unless you own a snow-removal business or a ski run you can thank me.
If I sharpen my mowers blade, will my grass not grow this summer?
I'll add my vote mucho thanks for the snow control...
I should add gas stabilizer to the tank because of the lack of use, so far...
Yeah...I've used mine once about 2 weeks ago. But, on the plus side I'm not suffering from PMS (Parked Motorcycle Syndrome).
2/6/12 7:19 p.m.
Agreed....until we get hit in March/, if possible, go out and tinker with it every couple of weeks or so,,,,,
2/6/12 7:24 p.m.
And here I was all smug that this so-called "winter" was because I broke out and installed the snow tires for both DDs
Ah, well, thanks for fixing the snowblower. I've used mine exactly once this season, and hope not to fire it up again until it gets moved to the back of the shed in Spring.
A canoe in a snow blower thread?
2/6/12 8:13 p.m.
I not only bought a new AWD car for the terrible MN winter, but also a set of snow tires. So far, I had more snow last winter in AL than we've had up here in MN. I thought it was my snow tires that caused this weak winter, not I know the real reason was your snowblower. Either way, it's a fair trade as far as I care.
I thought I was the only one who had a life like this.
If I was to buy THE most fuel efficient car possible, the price of gasoline would drop through the floor....almost overnight. And conversely, if I bought the biggest gas-guzzling car or truck I could find? Iran would close the Strait of Hormooze(sp?) and by friday the price of gas would be passing $5.00 a gallon.
When I play cards, I do real good, until we start to play for money. Needless to say, even tho I have lived in areas near casinos...I don't dare go, I'm poor enough.
DrBoost wrote:
All you folks that are thinking about how nice it's been to not shovel snow this winter, or are happy to have not been sliding around, or those who just don't like icicles hanging from your nose hair can thank me. Yes, after 2 years of procrastination, before winter hit I finally fixed my snow blower
I thought it was the collective fault of my company. Between the three of us, we bought five new sets of tires (three of them snows) and one all wheel drive CTS.
And we performed a complete overhaul on the building's furnace.
And we installed a plow on the shop truck so we wouldn't be at the mercy of the guy who used to theoretically do our parking lot.
For our next trick, we will install in-building A/C so it will never get over 80 degrees this summer.
(Note: You can't game Murphy's Law like that. Don't tempt Fate; it loves a challenge. The temps will hit 110 and the A/C will constantly break.)
I repaired our blower in the fall, and purchased 2 new wheel/snow tire combos.
I also put snow tires on the Saturn in anticipation of a terrible winter after moving from Atlanta to "snowbound North-East Ohio". Where is this supposed lake effect?
I bought a new (to me) saab to help deal with the winter weather....
2/6/12 10:22 p.m.
thank you.
by the way, I grabbed an older one from my dad's barn, tuned it up and used it once....
I used it once, and that one time was really over-kill, I just wanted to use it for the first time.
I hope this means a not-too-hot summer.
Maroon92 wrote:
I also put snow tires on the Saturn in anticipation of a terrible winter after moving from Atlanta to "snowbound North-East Ohio". Where is this supposed lake effect?
It seems like the line of demarcation is the Cuyahoga River. In Cleveland, the West Side might get 3 inches while the East Side might get 8-10.
Yes, you're supposed to capitalize it.
Either way, NEOhio snow doesn't really kick in until February or March, anyway. Something to do with the winds coming over the lake, I am not meterorologist.
Anything with "Stage-2" in or on it is badass! I can say I have a "Stage 2" toaster and it instantly dwarfs yours!
This is also the first year i've EVER bought snow tires...
I didn't even put them on the car. They're just sitting mounted on steelies in the garage.
DukeOfUndersteer wrote:
Anything with "Stage-2" in or on it is badass! I can say I have a "Stage 2" toaster and it instantly dwarfs yours!
Stage III Toaster accepts bagels, uses roman numerals to make your Stage "2" seem like a lightbulb powered bake oven sold to 8yr old girls.
DukeOfUndersteer wrote:
Anything with "Stage-2" in or on it is badass! I can say I have a "Stage 2" toaster and it instantly dwarfs yours!
And then they stop making bagels...
2/7/12 7:29 a.m.
Funny, I, too, tuned up my snowblower. I still don't know how well it runs though since I haven't had a chance to 'load' test it.
It looks just like this one:
-made in Brillion, Wisconsin.
The new snow tires I bought in November have gone largely untested. I'll switch back to summer rubber in mid-March, guaranteeing heavy spring snow....