Knurled wrote:
Oddly enough, the people who had Goodyear equipped Fords, with the exact same size and pressure recommendations, did not have problems. Not all Explorers came with Firestones.
Yes, there was an issue with the tires, no doubt. BUT, that issue never would have surfaced had people checked their pressure and paid more attention to overloading their vehicles. The problem was that the Firestones had zero margin for error on those things, and the other tires did have some.
Streetwiseguy wrote:
Its got bugger all to do with Firestone. As in almost all of these situations, people who owned Explorers AND had the knowledge to check their tires, OR had the skills it takes to drive a vehicle properly had exactly no life threatening experiences.
I should have added, "Or has the ability to feel the out of round wobble that a tire makes for weeks or months before it blow up."
dean1484 wrote:
It was with a specific batch of tires that were oe on explorers. I had a set on my explorer. The issue was with belt delamination when run at low pressure and or underinflated when towing and to much tongue weight.
If the tires are not in the batch with the problem you are good to go. I actually liked the firestone tires on my explorer. They were excellent tires.
never heard this before.. And I bought a used 98 Explo about 4 months before the major Ford vs. Firestone E36 M3storm commenced. I always have good timing.
Tom_Spangler wrote:
mad_machine wrote:
Klayfish wrote: Isn't there something on the books that says by 2017 or 2018 all cars have to have some kind of back up warning system?
I hope that is only new cars.. because I have no intention on retrofitting something into any of my cars. I can see out the back just fine any of mine as they have decent windows and not cave like pillars
I can't imagine they'd require people to retrofit it. IIRC, that's never been done in the past.
I may be wrong but hasn't California played around with the idea of mandatory retrofitting safety/emissions stuff?
crankwalk wrote:
Tom_Spangler wrote:
mad_machine wrote:
Klayfish wrote: Isn't there something on the books that says by 2017 or 2018 all cars have to have some kind of back up warning system?
I hope that is only new cars.. because I have no intention on retrofitting something into any of my cars. I can see out the back just fine any of mine as they have decent windows and not cave like pillars
I can't imagine they'd require people to retrofit it. IIRC, that's never been done in the past.
I may be wrong but hasn't California played around with the idea of mandatory retrofitting safety/emissions stuff?
Too bad they can't mandate retrofitting common sense or decent driver training.
In reply to crankwalk:
I think at some point CA mandated PCV systems be retrofitted to all cars back to some fairly old year (50s?).
Spotted about an hour ago...

that is exactly what I am talking about John.. I rarely see Chevy, Chrysler, or any other SUVs like that.. even other fords, but I see it on Explorers all the time