I'm not sure if I had a topic on this before or not. I couldn't find it if I did.
I am having an issue with eye strain. I can only sit at my computer for short periods of time (~30 min in the mornings and less at the end of the day). I got prescription Gunnar glasses and that helped a ton for about a year. However, the problem has returned. My office seating position is decent, not ideal. I can't find an ideal position that is comfortable. It feels like I am going cross eyed. Just wondering if the GRM brain trust has any suggestions. I have always been sensitive to light. I actually wear a hat in the office (fortunately I am allowed to) because the overhead lights florescent drive me crazy. I am probably going to go to the eye doc soon. But I'm wondering if anyone else has this issue or if they've found anything that helps.
A few years ago, I was having trouble reading road signs on my way home from work (they were all blurry). I went to the eye doctor, and my vision checked out fine. I was discussing it with a co-worker, who told me her husband just went to the doctor for the same thing. The doctor asked my co-worker's husband how many hours he used a computer each day, and he said 10-12. The doctor asked him what his contrast and brightness settings were on his monitor, and he replied 100% on both. The doctor said that's your problem, lower your settings to where your computer monitor blends into your surroundings.
I tried that about 10 years ago, and haven't had any issues since. It takes some time to adjust to it (it seems extremely dim at first), but it works. I'd say it's worth a shot in your case...
Since the crash I use a timer. About a half an hour, then I get up and walk around for a minute or two. Helps a lot.
Buy a really good monitor. Something large and a dot pitch of .28 or better. Set it correctly. Decrease the ambient light in the room if you can so you can run a lower brightness. Force yourself to look far away (out the window) and focus on things that are not on the screen every 10 minutes or so.
I still get tired eyes - but not nearly as bad as when I had a cheap E36 M3 monitor I hovered over for long hours.
I'll have to see if work will buy me a new monitor. We pretty much have the lights off, but the emergency light that must stay on is just ahead of me. One of the main reasons for me wearing a hat is it blocks this light. I've tried to get it moved, without success. I also keep the monitors dim, but will see if I can go any dimmer.
I am not built to be a cube dweller.
CGLockRacer wrote:
I am not built to be a cube dweller.
I'm not sure anyone is. It makes me feel like I'm in some sort of veal factory farming nightmare. I'm glad I never have to stay too long.
In reply to CGLockRacer: I have had a bit of a sabbatical from all Motorsports related Message boards after a post that angered me (and reminded me why I don't volunteer anymore)on the CASC Message board. This is my first post since my Sabbatical.
Anyway on to my reply.. I have the same symptoms while viewing computers, I also get this in bright sunlight, and when I am lit by Florescent lighting.
I bought some Polarized Sunglasses. I wear them in all of the above mentioned situations.
They are Awesome!!!! I can See!!! I can Keep my eyes open!!! I don't close my eyes in a meeting (i'm not sleeping, The lighting hurts my eyes)!!!!
Seriously try Polarized Sunglasses. They work awesome for me. Also if you are around clear water, it is like having a glass bottom boat, without the glass or the boat.
Polarized lenses with a computer monitor can be psychedelic hell though.
foxtrapper wrote:
Polarized lenses with a computer monitor can be psychedelic hell though.
What kind of computer monitor?? I have never had a problem with monitors.
EDIT... Or I guess I should ask what kind of Polarized Sunglasses. Perhaps it is the glasses causing the problem.. If that is the case i would like to avoid those glasses or monitors.
drsmooth wrote:
foxtrapper wrote:
Polarized lenses with a computer monitor can be psychedelic hell though.
What kind of computer monitor?? I have never had a problem with monitors.
EDIT... Or I guess I should ask what kind of Polarized Sunglasses. Perhaps it is the glasses causing the problem.. If that is the case i would like to avoid those glasses or monitors.
Dunno. Wasn't a specific this and that, just a generic comment from having worn polarized sun glasses off and on. Great at cutting glare most of the time, but sometimes the interactions with lighted sources were better than an acid trip.
That said, I'm sitting here looking at the two monitors I've got (flat screen led types) and my non-polarized glasses. The Dell on left produces some weird 3D visuals, the Dell on the right does not. Go figure. Time for a eye-strain break!
My polarized (perscription) glasses cause viewing distortions in most LCDisplays.
Random blobs and shapes that change with head position.
Re-visit doctor and have eyes retested.
Definitely turn down brightness on monitor (I'm at 50%) and have other light in the room.