Hey I have MG Swap Meet and would like the posts to be seen on the page instead on being shuffled into the side bar . Thanks In advance
Hey I have MG Swap Meet and would like the posts to be seen on the page instead on being shuffled into the side bar . Thanks In advance
So you want to make your post to show up on their main feed?
It won't work. Only what they post will show up in the main feed. IIRC, they can repost what you have posted to make it show up on their feed. You would have to contact the controlling party. Just send them a message.
I am the admin I wonder if I needed to set up the page as a group ? Migth have to delete and re do settings ?
If you're a group or business and want posts to show up in feeds, you have to pay to promote the post. I think this is what you're asking.
You'll need to log in to post.