Not For Kids: Shocking Original Endings to Some of Our Favorite Disney Fairy Tales
"The stepmother encourages the first sister to cut off her toes so that she will fit the shoe. But as she is riding with the prince, the magic white doves tell the prince to look at her foot which is bleeding.
Then the second sister cuts off her heel but met the same problem as the first sister. Finally the prince sees Cinderella and realizes she is the one he fell in love with at the ball.
At their marriage, the step sisters have their eyes pecked out by the doves. The final admonishment for their evil ways"
The marriages to the evul sisters would have never lasted. Everybody knows Prince Charming has a foot fetish.
2/23/16 7:31 a.m.
Most kids stories/songs/nursery rhymes have weird sex/violence/racist stuff we gloss over or edited out over the years but the pieces remain.
Little Red Riding Hood is a story to teach little girls to keep their virginity.
2/23/16 7:55 a.m.
Ring around the Rosie has a pretty awful meaning and yet kids sing it in daycare all the time...
Storz wrote:
Ring around the Rosie has a pretty awful meaning and yet kids sing it in daycare all the time...
What is the origin of that one? I had always heard it had roots in the Bubonic Plague, but had several people dispute that with me recently. Forget why it even came up.
Oh yea, old fairy tales are quite rough. People were a lot rougher though.
My mom brought home an uncensored translation of Grimm's Fairy Tales when I was about five. I remember being very upset about a scene where a prince got blinded by having his eyes stabbed through with a rose branch.
2/23/16 8:32 a.m.
There is also the other version of einie meinie minie mo, the one that got Clarkson in trouble.
Also 80's/early 90's kids toy lines for hard R movies like Robocop, Aliens, and Terminator as a more recent example.
There is an ABC series on netflix called 'Once Upon a Time' that seems to mimic the real fairytales linked above. Granted, they still have a somewhat happy ending.
In reply to 1kris06:
I enjoy OUAT, but even though a lot of people die, it's still Disney.
2/23/16 10:54 a.m.
As corny as Once Upon a Time is, I found it fun and the story twists were usually unexpected. It's definitely a soap opera but I still have my man-card so I don't care!
The wife and I haven't made it into the Frozen season yet. Part of me felt that ABC/Disney saw how they could combine two of their cash cows into one and tried to cash in. Don't know if that's accurate but that was how it felt.
2/23/16 11:14 a.m.
Furious_E wrote:
Storz wrote:
Ring around the Rosie has a pretty awful meaning and yet kids sing it in daycare all the time...
What is the origin of that one? I had always heard it had roots in the Bubonic Plague, but had several people dispute that with me recently. Forget why it even came up.
That is what I thought as well, but apparently it may have an even earlier meaning
If it's in wikipedia, it must be true.
Things don't usually go well for step mothers.
Dr. Hess wrote:
If it's in wikipedia, it must be true.
The London plauge version of the meaning was what I was told as a kid long before Wikipedia was a zygotic electron embryo in Jimmy Wales eye.
Send your kids to a Waldorf School, they learn the real fairy tales gruesome and all from a young age.
I took a class on fairy tales when I lived in Germany.
They were not written for entertainment purposes.
Adrian_Thompson wrote:
Dr. Hess wrote:
If it's in wikipedia, it must be true.
The London plauge version of the meaning was what I was told as a kid long before Wikipedia was a zygotic electron embryo in Jimmy Wales eye.
Send your kids to a Waldorf School, they learn the real fairy tales gruesome and all from a young age.