Right about now is getting to be near peak fall color but all we’ve had for the past two weeks is clouds, wind, and rain, sometimes heavy rain!
Some trees already have dropped most of their leaves. While many are still completely green. This was just at a bus stop while I waited for the kids 
10/11/18 8:21 a.m.
Over here in Wisconsin, we've had an awesome color change this year.
here in the Georgia mountains, we've had no rain to speak of. they are turning brown and falling.
West Michigan has been similar to you Frenchy. I was thinking the same on the way in today. Lots of rain/wind is knocking them down fast, and it's been too gray/rainy to really appreciate the colors. Yellow is on the ground, and leaves in the tree are mostly green.

This was September 17. Fall is about wrapped up for us.
GTXVette said:
here in the Georgia mountains, we've had no rain to speak of. they are turning brown and falling.
Same for us in central GA. The leaves are going to turn brown and then turn loose. Although, next week we will be our first week without breaking 90 since probably May, so at least it's going to feel like fall. Sort of. That's the only good thing from the hurricane.
Adirondack Mtn area is near peak.
10/11/18 2:25 p.m.
Larches were yellow last weekend.

No color yet here in Northern Ohio.
Last year, Oct 23,2017 to be exact this was the view out my back window.

Today, Oct 11, 2018 this is the same set of trees just photographed minutes ago. I don't think they'll change the same in just 12 days.

We are still a couple of weeks out. Some trees (pecan) have turned brown and dropped their leaves, but the showy stuff is yet to come.
The one at the end of my driveway changed fast, already dropping leaves but it gets full sun all day. 20 or 30 of us camp out at the Lake Placid airport in two weeks, should be pretty up there depending on rain and cloud cover until then. It's pretty cool that the ski jump is inside the landing pattern, when you rip by all the tourists are clicking away at the glider instead of leaf peeping.

10/11/18 7:16 p.m.
Ours are just starting to turn now, and fall. Most trees still are 95% green and 95% full.
Last year many of them stayed fully leaved and green until we got snow.
Yes I think I was lucky to be on the road in northern lower Michigan early this week. Tuesday and early Wednesday there was strong color and some sun. Some of the yellow trees seemed to have an almost glossy metallic glow in the late sun. Really awesome. The forcast was for wind and rain so I suspect next week I will see barren trees.
Notice the brilliant reds contrasting with the yellows and orange Please ignore that white 4 Letter word stuff hiding everything.
Then of coarse, notice these mobile Thanksgiving dinners walking around. Waiting for their day of glory.
more fall color.
White is a color isn’t it?
That was a rude awaking today. I went over to the Twin Cities Roadster swap meet at the fairgrounds this morning, and froze my butt off walking around in the snow. I'm still trying to warm up.
10/14/18 1:51 p.m.
I miss fall in New England. Fall in KS is kind of... not so impressive.
10/15/18 1:12 p.m.
The view from my office yesterday.
My wife is carrying me to Vermont with her next week on her business trip. I hear they have colorful trees up there around this time of year. She has said that I will be impressed.
I'm from Texas. We don't do color.
In reply to Cousin_Eddie :
Where in Vermont. I went there on Columbus Day weekend (up 89 to Stowe, Smugglers Notch, and then east to New Hampshire. It was getting close to peak then. NH wasn't so much. And it is late this year. If you are going to be up in the Burlington area, might be worth taking a drive south (into western MA) to see some color.
Wxdude10 - Mike said:
In reply to Cousin_Eddie :
Where in Vermont. I went there on Columbus Day weekend (up 89 to Stowe, Smugglers Notch, and then east to New Hampshire. It was getting close to peak then. NH wasn't so much. And it is late this year. If you are going to be up in the Burlington area, might be worth taking a drive south (into western MA) to see some color.
It is Burlington.
My wife has to go to one of their facilities to do a couple of days work. She could have gone any time, so she chose next week on the recommendations of the locals at the facility. Way back in the spring when this was all scheduled, the folks at the Burlington plant said late October was the safest bet to see color.
10/15/18 3:18 p.m.
Why are some parts of the country good for the fall color change and some have nothing? Is it maple trees that do most of the color change and maples grow more in the north?
Cousin_Eddie said:
My wife is carrying me to Vermont with her next week on her business trip. I hear they have colorful trees up there around this time of year. She has said that I will be impressed.
I'm from Texas. We don't do color.
Be sure to post pictures even if they aren’t perfect.