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Madhatr Reader
10/20/16 1:36 p.m.

In high school, I went to national level competition for CAD, because that was a thing. Also, have done reasonably well in a few art competitions, but nothing really notable other than being one of the 'honorable mentions' in the Reading Rainbow kick-starter calender.

Side note: if anyone is in the Lebanon NH area, I freehand airbrushed about 400 pine trees on the ambulance that Dartmouth medical center got last year.

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Apis Mellifera
Apis Mellifera HalfDork
10/20/16 4:44 p.m.

I created one of the He-Man action figures in the 80s. I was in a group of three that pioneered the reduction of honeybees size as a means to promote disease resistance. My uncle invented the plastic sealant that is used to seal teeth. My G,g,g-grandfather was the 37th Governor of Virginia. I invented a device for acoustic guitars. My wife was on Conan O'brien.

Bobzilla UltimaDork
10/20/16 4:51 p.m.

I race the fastest mother berkeleying KIA in Auto-X in the entire country. I'm a berkeleying legend. Just ask me. I'll tell you.

Karacticus GRM+ Memberand HalfDork
10/20/16 4:52 p.m.

I get tremendous name recognition when I check into hotels, especially this time of year.

My name is Michael Myers.

DukeOfUndersteer UltimaDork
10/20/16 5:11 p.m.

I am a blood relative of Oskar Schindler...

fasted58 UltimaDork
10/20/16 5:21 p.m.

Mid-sixties, podiumed in my first sanctioned wheeled race.

Well, it was the Pinewood Derby in the church basement, P3 w/ a car totally mine as dad worked a lot on afternoon shift. Carved w/ a dull Barlow, sanded w/ whatever paper was in the house, painted w/ old red barn paint... looked as crude as the berkeleying Flintstone mobile.

The scoutmaster/ derby hot shoe had some recommendations so next year we did the bandsaw cut out, radiused edges, lead weights, massaged wheels/ axles and black gloss enamel w/ decals from model kits.... and it was a berkeleying backmarker.

Hope my folks kept my old cars but I ain't found 'em yet.

I really want my podium car.

racerdave600 SuperDork
10/20/16 5:24 p.m.

Years ago I was on the Today Show once. A local reporter did a bit on my photography studio that was pretty funny, and the Today Show ran it. That and being in the "Say What" section is my only 15 minutes of fame.

I'm also a descendant of Robert Burns who wrote Auld Lang Syne, does that count?

Jay UltraDork
10/20/16 5:40 p.m.

I have a scientific publication that was cited by another publication. Science cred.

Toyman01 GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
10/20/16 6:39 p.m.
Keith Tanner wrote: I have never made it into Say What.

You have to be a bit of a smart ass to make it into Say What.

You have the smart part down pat, it's the ass you need to work on.

Dusterbd13 PowerDork
10/20/16 7:11 p.m.

The original drivabeater made me a temporary legend on the Internet.

I was suspended from school twice for attempts to incite a riot.

I got clocked at 76 in a 10. In the parking lot. In third.

I was the original author of a psych study that got me censure from the psych department for a controversial topic, and a professor lost his tenure for attempting to publish it under his name.

I had multiple short stories published.

I am recognized by name everywhere I go, due to (not me) the Phantom of the Opera singer Michael Crawford.

I've been banned from amc and Mopar forums for crossbreeding.

I'm not famous or important to anyone but my family. But I've met Steve Stafford and Eli wiesel!

mazdeuce UltimaDork
10/20/16 7:18 p.m.
Jay wrote: I have a scientific publication that was cited by another publication. Science cred.

I did that too!
I was actually thanked by the owner of a company who utilized a technique I co-developed as a junior in college. He sold a state level client on the idea based on my paper and made $$$ off the contract. Then HE wrote a paper about using it and cited me. I felt very very important for almost 15 minutes.

Oh, I forgot, I was also on the opening web page of my college for over a year. They wanted to highlight the outdoorsiness and took a picture of me rock climbing. I was moderately famous among incoming freshmen very briefly. By then it was my sixth year in school and I was dating the soon to be Mrs. Deuce so the fame got me nothing.
College was fun.

Keith Tanner
Keith Tanner GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
10/20/16 7:24 p.m.
Toyman01 wrote:
Keith Tanner wrote: I have never made it into Say What.
You have to be a bit of a smart ass to make it into Say What. You have the smart part down pat, it's the ass you need to work on.

Better a smart ass than a dumb ass!

That's what I tell my mom, anyhow.

mndsm MegaDork
10/20/16 7:25 p.m.
Toyman01 wrote:
Keith Tanner wrote: I have never made it into Say What.
You have to be a bit of a smart ass to make it into Say What. You have the smart part down pat, it's the ass you need to work on.

That explains little about how I pulled it off.

DirtyBird222 UltraDork
10/20/16 8:08 p.m.

Pretty sure I had the worlds fastest stock internal D15 Civic ever. SOHC Hondas for the win.

Ed Higginbotham
Ed Higginbotham Associate Editor
10/21/16 3:05 p.m.

My dad has spent much of his life making guitars. One day when I was younger he quit his job to start his own furniture business. I spent MANY hours helping him out in the wood shop behind the house. One of his corner chairs made it into the Smithsonian.

After a couple years he returned to his guitar/music life.

SVreX MegaDork
10/21/16 3:45 p.m.

A former girlfriend is a very wealthy TV personality nationally known as an expert in sexual relations. She's a frequent contributor to several regular TV shows.

Her brother won a Nobel Prize for astronomy.

Guess I missed that boat....

Marjorie Suddard
Marjorie Suddard General Manager
10/21/16 5:56 p.m.

Found out today that the Suddard family farm in Scituate, Rhode Island, was the most active listening post in WWII. Among its claims to fame was saving the Queen Mary, giving the Allies access to German transmissions (including Rommel's tank-to-tank communications), and being considered as a site for the United Nations headquarters: Chopmist Hill Listening Post.

The owner of the farm, William A. Suddard, also holds a couple of bike patents.

My side of the family had several regionally famous fellows, but they were all lawyers and politicians--scoundrels whose stories livened dinner table conversations when I was a kid. Most notably, they were involved in a giant feud 100 years ago--prompted, naturally, by a particularly vicious election: Rowan Count War.

Those gentlemen, Judge Allie Young and his brother, William, made the New York Times a few years later for a spat they had in court--Judge Allie sent his brother to jail for contempt.

I come by some of the house rules here quite honestly.


Dusterbd13 PowerDork
10/21/16 6:01 p.m.

I forgot: our family history has been traced back to William wallace (Guy Braveheart was about). His mother was one of my ancestors.

And my dad got in a fight with dee Snyder from twisted sister after telling him he needed a haircut cause he looked like a girl.

SVreX MegaDork
10/21/16 6:23 p.m.

My ancestry has a half dozen credits as abolitionists tracing back to the mid 1600's.

Then we have a few arts credits... My brother was Wes Craven's assistant. My cousin (who I grew up with me like my brother) is President of FX Network, and his wife has some solid movie cred (you may know her as June Stahl in Sons of Anarchy). I've had a few feature movie credits for special effects. My Aunt recorded several Gospel albums.

My son is a member here (though he never posts), and has been to the Challenge. He's a filmmaker (missed an Emmy nomination by 1 vote last year), works for ESPN (shot the Rolex last year), and he is married to a photographer who has had a few things featured in Smithsonian Magazine.

I have known some famous people (including major movie stars, jazz musicians, and a US President), but those are the only ones I am related to.

moparman76_69 UltraDork
10/21/16 6:30 p.m.
SVreX wrote: A former girlfriend is a very wealthy TV personality nationally known as an expert in sexual relations. She's a frequent contributor to several regular TV shows. Her brother won a Nobel Prize for astronomy. Guess I missed that boat....

You dated doctor Ruth?

SVreX MegaDork
10/21/16 6:34 p.m.
moparman76_69 wrote:
SVreX wrote: A former girlfriend is a very wealthy TV personality nationally known as an expert in sexual relations. She's a frequent contributor to several regular TV shows. Her brother won a Nobel Prize for astronomy. Guess I missed that boat....
You dated doctor Ruth?

I was wondering when someone would say that...

No, a younger and sexier sex therapist TV personality!!

JohnRW1621 MegaDork
10/21/16 6:41 p.m.

In reply to SVreX:

It has recently come to light that The Emmys might be rigged.

mtn MegaDork
10/21/16 6:47 p.m.
Ed Higginbotham wrote: My dad has spent much of his life making guitars. One day when I was younger he quit his job to start his own furniture business. I spent MANY hours helping him out in the wood shop behind the house. One of his corner chairs made it into the Smithsonian. After a couple years he returned to his guitar/music life.

Wait... Your dad is president of one of the biggest guitar makers in the us???

Knurled GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
10/21/16 7:55 p.m.
DukeOfUndersteer wrote: I am a blood relative of Oskar Schindler...

I may be a blood relative of Rasputin.

According to a geneology website, there are only 84 people in the world with my surname. Everyone who is actually related to me has this surname because of a transliteration error when my great-grandparents emigrated. My grandfather was the first of their children actually born in the US and they got his name wrong on the birth certificate, and they just rolled with it.

My grandmother's first name was also spelled wrong on her birth certificate. She spelled it "Rita" but officially, in 1921, it was "Reta".

Type Q
Type Q SuperDork
10/21/16 8:22 p.m.

I have been published by SAE. My picture was featured in promotional literature for Michigan State University College of Engineering. Both are interesting because I was a business major and have never had an engineering job.

I come from a long line of people who work off to the side of the spotlight. For example I am a decedent of this guy. George Clinton

My paternal grandfather was dean of the Geology dept at the University of Minnesota. A lot of his field work s still cited in scientific journals.

My dad designed, built and tested the first 8 track tape player for vehicle use. He declared a POS and told his bosses at Ford that the mobile phonograph his colleague built that played 45's was a better solution for mobile music at the time. Anyone here who suffered with an 8 track player, I apologize on behalf of the family.

I could continue, but suffice it to say that the family is more likely to be footnoted than featured.

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