SyntheticBlinkerFluid wrote:
Swank Force One wrote:
I also don't believe that all the movies are necessarily in chronological order. I believe 5 came before 3.
Not necessarily. The beginning of 4 was actually before 3. 5 took place after all of them because of the character build up. The motorcycle chick in 5 was introduced in 4 as was the two cocky Spanish only speaking guys.
1, 2, 4, 5, 3?
It kinda makes sense.... really nobody but Han in 4 or 5 is from 3. At the end of 3, Vin mentions winning the car he's racing at the end of the movie from "My friend Han." Showing Han interact with Vin before that makes sense.
Of course, this is if you buy into Han actually dying. (Which i do.) It's just really "convenient" that he's the only character to show up in the other movies.
2/6/13 12:08 p.m.
What I don't get is why the series feels it needs to constantly getting bigger and bigger with more ridiculous action scenes.
I think they'd be able to sell seats even if they rehashed the same "cops try to take down illegal racers" theme over and over again, with different cars in different settings.
Instead they up the anti for unbelievable physics.
I'll still watch it.
2/6/13 1:53 p.m.
This is all theoretically before Tokyo- Not that it matters, but in 4, Han says "I think i'll go check out the scene in Tokyo" and in 3 after Han dies Vin makes that cameo where he mentions that he won the car from Han a long time ago. There's plot holes big enough to drive Mongo the bus through, but I still like em. My favorite is how Ludacris comes back for 5, and says "I want to open my own garage"... K Luda... where'd Tej's garage from 2 come from? It's clear you and Tyrese know each other, and Tyrese was in Barstow prior to Miami....
Yes I spend too much time analysing them.
Seriously guys? There's a MK-I Escort in there. Who cares what the plot is!?
sobe_death wrote:
Seriously guys? There's a MK-I Escort in there. Who cares what the plot is!?
Yepper, that's all I needed too
Im excited for this AND the new Die Hard.
Dragging the safe through the streets with the Chargers in the last one left me shaking my head in disbelief of the stupidity I was was witnessing.
On the other hand, they are usually fun in a way and have cool cars. I just don't expect anything 'timeless classic' to happen.
These movies are a horrible embarrassment to car guys everywhere. It's sad so many of you choose to support the franchise with your $$.
That said...the trailer for this one looks the least absurd of any.
They're a gateway drug to get people interested in cars. If that happens, then we need to nurture an guide them through their larval brotard/hellaflush stage so that it lasts as little time as possible.
I love the F&F franchise, and I'm not ashamed to admit it. It's what got me into cars, as the first movie came out when I was a senior in high school. That got me into ricer modifications, which got me into racing and REAL modifications.
The first movie is still my favorite, because it is the only one to actually be about "street racing" and "tuner culture," two things I was heavily (and stupidly) involved in while I was in school. The first movie is nostalgic to me.
Swank Force One wrote:
SyntheticBlinkerFluid wrote:
Swank Force One wrote:
I also don't believe that all the movies are necessarily in chronological order. I believe 5 came before 3.
Not necessarily. The beginning of 4 was actually before 3. 5 took place after all of them because of the character build up. The motorcycle chick in 5 was introduced in 4 as was the two cocky Spanish only speaking guys.
1, 2, 4, 5, 3?
It kinda makes sense.... really nobody but Han in 4 or 5 is from 3. At the end of 3, Vin mentions winning the car he's racing at the end of the movie from "My friend Han." Showing Han interact with Vin before that makes sense.
Of course, this is if you buy into Han actually dying. (Which i do.) It's just really "convenient" that he's the only character to show up in the other movies.
The story line goes 1,2,4,5,6,3. Tokyo Drift takes place after all of them, because Han (the aforementioned "Asian guy") dies in that movie. Other than that one, they are all in order.
2/7/13 9:06 a.m.
Wow there are 6 of these bad movies, I guess I lost track around the 3 fast 3 furious... Oh well I a tree falls on a bear taking a crap in the woods right?
I thought Han got frozen in carbonite in the the 5th of the trilogy...
2/8/13 7:12 a.m.
I always say I'm not, then I end up seeing them anyway shrug
I'll go see it. They are ridiculous, but you can sure munch a lot of popcorn to that stuff. Entertaining, if slightly bogus.
2/8/13 9:22 a.m.
I think I've only seen the first one, and thought it was bad enough. Perhaps I should at least Netflix Tokyo Drift?
In reply to Jerry:
Tokyo Drift reminded me of the first one, but it had a different feel to it. Same unbelievable car stunts, but entertaining none the less.
SyntheticBlinkerFluid wrote:
In reply to Jerry:
Tokyo Drift reminded me of the first one, but it had a different feel to it. Same unbelievable car stunts, but entertaining none the less.
As ridiculous as it may seem, Tokyo Drift seemed more "authentic". There was less unbelievable car stuff... As well as fewer outright lies. Besides, Rhys Millen did a lot of the stunt driving.
Who wants realistic movies? Isnt that what documentaries are for? Bring on the crazy stunts and hot women!
As ridiculous as it may seem, Tokyo Drift seemed more "authentic". There was less unbelievable car stuff... As well as fewer outright lies. Besides, Rhys Millen did a lot of the stunt driving.
This. I enjoyed the fact that like 95% of the driving was authentic with some of the best drifters out there.
Spoolpigeon wrote:
As ridiculous as it may seem, Tokyo Drift seemed more "authentic". There was less unbelievable car stuff... As well as fewer outright lies. Besides, Rhys Millen did a lot of the stunt driving.
This. I enjoyed the fact that like 95% of the driving was authentic with some of the best drifters out there.
The cars as a whole weren't outright awful-looking, either. The whole graphics thing isn't my bag, but the cars were pretty tasty otherwise.