6/5/19 9:34 p.m.
volvoclearinghouse said:
In reply to mtn :
I've owned well over a hundred cars in my 25 years of being able to drive, and I can count on one hand the number that were fuel injected. And most of those were trucks, which were bought out of needing a truck and not caring too much how it delivered fuel.
Wow, I knew that fuel injection was an improvement on carburetors, but I didn't realize they were that much of an improvement! Over 100 cars, because none could deliver fuel reliably!
ShawnG said:
It's ok.
Lots of men are comfortable being defeated by a simple mechanical device.
It's the 21st century and I'm glad that you're comfortable with your chosen lifestyle.
I understand carbs, I can work on carbs, I’ve iwned a few carbed cars in the 40 some cars I’ve owned. I have no idea why you would use a carbed car as your daily though, given modern options. My 30 year old Miata will sit for 5 months during the winter and start in the first crank. I like efi, and I know it can be more tricky than a carb to fix but in my experience has issues far, far less often.
Appleseed said:
Don't show them this and ask them to make a call. You're likely to cause an aneurysm.

Jeez I’m circling 40 and we never had a phone like that I remember. The only one I remember was in our church lobby.
I'm 51, not going to bother mentally counting how many cars I've owned. But, only two have had a manual choke - one was 8 years older than me, the other was an early RX7.
Before that, I can't even recall my parents having cars with manual chokes.
Appleseed said:
Don't show them this and ask them to make a call. You're likely to cause an aneurysm.
I have a dial phone in my living room that's from the early 1950s. It still works great, but my arm gets tired holding the receiver up to my ear because it's so heavy.
I figure I can use it as a club if someone tries to break in.
I also have this avocado green Princess phone here on the desk next to my computer.

In reply to joey48442 :
Just remember, for every easy EFI start, there's a carburetor that you can fix with a screwdriver.
I just like when we put a freshly built 383 in the crusty '92 RS. Pushed some buttons on the Holley Terminator then hit the key and it actually fired off on the first try and started idling like it always seems to on TV. Brand new combo started easier than my Mustang does after leaving it sit for a week.
joey48442 said:
Appleseed said:
Don't show them this and ask them to make a call. You're likely to cause an aneurysm.

Jeez I’m circling 40 and we never had a phone like that I remember. The only one I remember was in our church lobby.
I'm 38 and we had one of these hanging on the kitchen wall until about 1995:

I still remember the nifty "AS SEEN ON TV" rotating RJ11 plug that plugged into the receiver and kept the 15ft cord from tangling. I also remember pissing off my sister and her beating the crap out of me me with the 3lb receiver.
The cordless phone that replaced it blew my mind. You can talk on the phone from anywhere! Simpler times they were 
6/6/19 5:04 a.m.
I remember maybe 10 years ago, I stumbled across a place that would sell one of those rotary phones, but the guts were replaced to turn it into a cell phone. I really wanted one. Thought it would be so fun to walk around with and make a call. But then figured it would only be fun for a short while and someone would probably call 911 about the crazy person talking to an imaginary friend.
Daylan C said:
In reply to volvoclearinghouse :
Does the engine also have to have points?
Yes, and again, at least two of them.
Daylan C said:
I just like when we put a freshly built 383 in the crusty '92 RS. Pushed some buttons on the Holley Terminator then hit the key and it actually fired off on the first try and started idling like it always seems to on TV. Brand new combo started easier than my Mustang does after leaving it sit for a week.
You're comparing a brand new $,$$$ FI system with a carburetor that's likely at least 30 years old...
Mrs. VCH has a '68 Camaro, a couple of years ago I bought a new carburetor for it, a Speed Demon. Bolted it on in about 35 minutes (or 1.17 beers), turned the key, and the 350 cranked to life instantly and settled into a nice, throaty idle. 1 wire, 4 bolts, 2 cables, and a fuel line. And under $400.
Wow, this took a bit of a turn after my initial comment so I'll join in with the new spirit. The last vehicle I owned with a manual choke was my 85 Econoline van. It originally came equipped with an automatic choke, but no surprise that failed. Circa 97 you could still buy manual choke conversions at your local autofactors. I think I got rid of it around Y2K in the end.
I know my parents still had at least one rotary phone until the early '90s
I bought my first fuel injected car in 92, an 88 Vauxhall Cavalier, which was approx 10,000,000,000 better than the dumbed down Cavaliers you got over here. I first got online in 94 and got my first cell phone in 95
Never owned a carbed vehicle, not sure what a manual choke does, never operated a rotary phone, and i'm only 30.
Still more manly than most of you.
Where's my sticker, cookie, badge?
Man, this is mind blowing stuff. No generation has ever complained about the following generation before.

Spoolpigeon said:
Man, this is mind blowing stuff. No generation has ever complained about the following generation before.

You are never officially old until ou piss and moan about the next generation. Even the greatest generations parent thought the were lazy and didn’t like good music
I have a surprising number of cars with carbs. Three at the moment with another in my past. I’ve had to rebuild every one of them at one point or another. Every one. I’ve had to do nothing to my EFI cars unless it was by choice. Seriously, the only advantage to a carb is that you can easily understand it for when you have to fix it. Because you will have to fix it.
All the cars with points now run electronic ignition because I’m not a savage. And of the cars doesn’t have synchros :)
For those who want a big ol’ phone, you can get POTS to Bluetooth adapters I use one in my shop, but it is a touch tone phone. Still, you get that little “ching!” from the bells when you hang up on it
And yes, youfs.
Not understanding something does not make it inferior.
My grandmother went into a nursing home in 1996. Not only was she still using a rotary dial phone, she was still renting it from the phone company for $6/mo. She got that phone when she got her own individual phone number instead of the party line.
Unsurprisingly, the phone company didn't want the phone back.
I had a friend just the other day ask me about the crank stub on the front of my dad's old Farmall. Since I had just shut it down and it was still warm I grabbed the handle and demonstrated it in use for him. I literally watched his jaw drop.
My kid is an anomaly. He's 13, and he's convinced carbs are way better than fuel injection because he understands them better (at least he thinks he does) and they can be tuned with a screwdriver. There's no black magic in software. He's even rebuilt one carb (SU from 1951 MG TD when he was about 9) and cleaned out a few others from yard equipment, and he still prefers carbs. He likes working on PCs so he's not afraid of technology, and he thinks every engine should have a turbo or supercharger, so maybe when he adds boost to the kids' Miata he'll start to appreciate fuel injection.
oldopelguy said:
My grandmother went into a nursing home in 1996. Not only was she still using a rotary dial phone, she was still renting it from the phone company for $6/mo. She got that phone when she got her own individual phone number instead of the party line.
Unsurprisingly, the phone company didn't want the phone back.
I had a friend just the other day ask me about the crank stub on the front of my dad's old Farmall. Since I had just shut it down and it was still warm I grabbed the handle and demonstrated it in use for him. I literally watched his jaw drop.
I kind of want a car that has one of those. I think in part because of watching goodwood revival races, and stuff. plus, big pistons and low compression make cool noises.
6/6/19 10:50 a.m.
gearheadmb said:
Not understanding something does not make it inferior.
Yes, it does.
How else can I logically justify distrusting other generations? (Also the opposite sex, cultures, religions, races, gender identities, etc).
Not counting the cars my parents owned and let me drive, I've owned 3 vehicles that had a carb. Only one of which actually ran (the other two were restoration projects). And old F100 straight 6 with a carb.
All of the rest had fuel injection- 3 with mechanical, the other 10 or so EFI.
I'm no fan of carbs, and I do know how they work. The fact that there are so many emulsion tubes and vents and bleeds- all to do exactly what a fuel injector does. Yea, no thanks. It's a glorified leak.
As for the lighter- many here would be mistified by this one-

Where you put your cigarette INTO the lighter and let it start before putting it in your mouth.
Since this is constantly open to the outside- it fill up with a lot of garbage. And I would imagine it to be a lot worse if you smoked.
No idea why they used this method to lite smokes.
As for the standard lighter- I wonder who came up with that shape. As it's NOW the defining shape of any 12V power spot in a car. (ok, I answered that question- and, of course, the shape of the outlet is an SAE standard.)
oldopelguy said:
My grandmother went into a nursing home in 1996. Not only was she still using a rotary dial phone, she was still renting it from the phone company for $6/mo. She got that phone when she got her own individual phone number instead of the party line.
Unsurprisingly, the phone company didn't want the phone back.
I had a friend just the other day ask me about the crank stub on the front of my dad's old Farmall. Since I had just shut it down and it was still warm I grabbed the handle and demonstrated it in use for him. I literally watched his jaw drop.
When he does that, remind him to keep his thumb in. Just in case.
joey48442 said:
Appleseed said:
Don't show them this and ask them to make a call. You're likely to cause an aneurysm.

Jeez I’m circling 40 and we never had a phone like that I remember. The only one I remember was in our church lobby.
really? I'm 51 and remember using those phones in 3rd grade to each phone edicate. IIRC, we didn't have a push button phone until we moved to Idaho in 1977.
Oh, yea, that's when you were born... damn.