6/17/11 2:05 p.m.
Well, they always have had value - to someone.
This time, they have performed a service. Those who find Rebecca Black's insipid and stupid YouTube video recording of "Friday" can rejoice that lawyers have succeeded in having it taken down.
Yes, it's only temporary, but even death-row inmates appreciate a reprieve.
I thought lawyers always had value - as fertilizer!
What better day to receive this news?
What's the difference between an attorney and a sperm?
Both have 1 in 1,000,000 chance of becoming a human being.
How come sharks don't eat attorneys?
Professional courtesy.
What do you call counsel up to his neck in sand?
Not enough sand.
(apologies to some very nice lawyers on this board) old jokes.
maybe we should change the dead hookers in a trunk capacity to dead lawyers?
And then what, attract the attention of innumerable lawyers?