I think I saw a lamp I want but I cant find it now. I need to light up my front walkway in the morning for when the wife leaves for work. There's a giant rock I'd have to jackhammer through to run electricity out there. I tried the little stake driven lights and they all come on at dusk and are dead by morning. Does anyone make something with either a bigger battery or a timer so it comes on when she leaves in the morning? The Google isn't helping so I don't know what I should be asking it for.
Solar and outside.
The sun?
Or is this a trick question? 

Seriously- I'd find one that has a motion detector with it. That way the charge won't go away overnight.
10/3/16 9:22 p.m.
Google "Solar Motion Light". Lots of them out there. May need to put in a pole to mount it on.
I've got something similar to these along a sidewalk, they're ~$8 each. On at dusk, off at dawn, suck up solar all day.

Thanks, I think I found something.
You tight with money and word. Save enough for nifty canoe.
914Driver wrote:
I've got something similar to these along a sidewalk, they're ~$8 each. On at dusk, off at dawn, suck up solar all day.
Do they last through the night in the winter?
I'm interested in getting some just to add some outdoor lighting. Something like that would be great provided A) it always lasts through the night and B) they are of fairly decent quality. I really just don't want to have to run wires.
My parents have had a couple sets of something that looked similar (granted, this was 5-10 years ago), and they always started failing and looking crappy after a few months of use.
Don't know, had a string of lights with wires prior to these. Let you know in a few months.
I have one of these, if it gets good sun its BRIGHT and very wide angle. If its overcast out its not as bright, but mine is tucked under a roof overhang pretty good too.
">Amazon $10

In reply to RX Reven':
I can't turn it on early enough