6/4/12 10:11 p.m.
In reply to Duke:
Duke, your turn is on the wrong plane. You mean to tell him to execute a Williamson turn not a procedure turn.
I've been experimenting with the spirial out technique. Works great in the back yard. I do a few rows all around the property first, then I drive like Tootle to somewhere near the middle of the lawn and make the tightest circle I can do. Then I just spiral out until I hit the edges. I have a big enough yard that this seems to be a decent way to do it since there isn't any time waster doing the turns at the end of the rows. I can get about 75% of the back yard done that way. For the front yard I do whatsome else already described which is to make a turn at the end of the row, leaving a uncut row. Work across the front in that s-like pattern then reverse it to pick up the uncut rows.
My mower has 7 speeds and I insist on doing as much as my lawn in 6th and 7th as I can. If I only had a limited slip...I get too much wheelspin on tight fast corners. Lots of body english to keep things moving along.