Lego firearms ain't nothing to screw with.
I wonder what he's got in the back section of Legos for Adults?
Thats awesome. I had to post that on a couple of other forums. 
That fully auto is badass.
Maroon92 wrote:
wow...just, wow...
x2... he makes my lego guns as a kid look just pathetic
whoa... i want some lego. now!
I want me some Lego crossbow.
Some of the comments are pretty funny- when I was a kid with Legos, we DID make weapons out of them. And Lego parts are hard to break.
I would share that book with an 11 year old....
I wish I had that book at 14
2/2/11 7:24 a.m.
Lego make mighty good caltrops too. They work great against parental persons who venture into your room in an attempt to tell you to clean it.
Jay wrote:
Lego make mighty good caltrops too. They work great against parental persons who venture into your room in an attempt to tell you to clean it.
That'll teach you to walk into your kids' rooms barefoot.