I realize this was probably seen already by everyone, but in case you didn't see it last night:
All 6 of the Star Wars movies are in line to be re-processed for 3-D. The 1st of the movies to hit the theatres will be Episode 1, NOT Espisode 4 (with Harrison Ford and Carrie Fisher). They didn't exactly say so, but I imagine all the movies will hit theatres in chronological sequence.
Just heard about this. There's going to be one every year. Episode 1 comes out in 2012. Maybe this is going to be the event that triggers the apocalypse?
Can you imagine how great the space scenes will be! Flying down the canyon in the Death Star should be phenomenal!
I was hoping it was in 2-D.

just think about this for a minute and let it set in... one of the first things that will be seen in 3D is Jar Jar Binks about 5 minutes into the first movie..
doesn't that just make you lose a little bit of hope for the future of humanity?
New Reader
10/2/10 7:35 a.m.
I'd settle for a 2D version that's the unretouched theatrical release version of Episodes 4-6. Han shot first dammit, and I'm cool with that!
10/4/10 12:41 p.m.
You know, I've got the original versions of the movies. No matter how many time GL makes a new version, it never makes those go away. Too many people act like if he makes a newer version, that the old one won't be there anymore to view.
I actually like the new visions (or, more acurately, a version not limited by the original studio budget and available tech) too, even thoguh I was one of the kids that watched the original like a bazillion times in theaters when it was first released...