We don't talk about Star Wars.
So, it's coming up very soon. I know that there are a bunch of people on this very board that will be going to see it. I'm going to try to sneak out of work next week to see it myself.
Let's put a moratorium on it. No discussion about the movie until January 1st, 2016. Not even whether you liked it or didn't like it. Especially not anything about it. Teasing might be tolerated.
IF you're the rebel type and don't want to pay attention to my rules suggestion and post the entire storyline of the movie just because I said don't, can you please respect us enough to put the word SPOILER in the topic name or something?
(why do I feel like random plot details are going to appear in random threads just to mess with people? Did I just kick the proverbial hornet's nest?) 
12/16/15 2:03 p.m.
Snape kills Luke Skywalker.
Force Block
I haven't had time to check it out, but a friend posted it on the book of faces.
12/16/15 2:21 p.m.
Vader was Harry's dad, duh..
Counselor Troi makes a man out of Ensign Crusher.
Is that the one where Kirk defeats the Gorn by making a crude gunpowder cannon?
I saw a preview of it last night. It was better than I expected.
I was surprised that they brought Jar Jar Binks back in such a huge way. I was also sort of surprised that in an attempt to keep the franchise relevant in today's world, Kim Kardashian played Princess Leia and Kenye West was cast as rouge stormtrooper.

It was the best Star Wars evar! 
12/16/15 3:15 p.m.
Apparently people on reddit had some leaked images that they were embedded in popular gifs to ruin for the rest of us.
I got tickets for 4:30pm on Friday.
None of that 3D crap.
Going this Sunday for the noon showing in the local theatre. No 3D for me, makes me ill. Literally.
I have to admit I'm a little bummed. My son is now 6 and into star wars. Let him watch the first 3 movies, which he liked, but also gave him nightmares.....so we never moved on to the original trilogy. Well the new movie has renewed interest. In our infinite wisdom as parents we decided to give him the original trilogy for Christmas this year. Which means, we'll have to watch those before we go see the new one.
So I'm going to have to wait........damn it.
My son is 13, LOVES Star Wars and we're going at 5:30 Saturday.
i'll kill someone if they spoil it before i see it.
12/16/15 9:01 p.m.
I am not all that excited to see it, but will see it anyway. The barrage of unrelated ad tie-ins has really turned me off. It is like every third commercial on tv has a stormtrooper or a jedi reference then after they tell you to buy a Jeep or eat a cookie or whatever the star wars theme plays. I don't think I've seen an actual ad for the movie, but I've seen more unrelated tie-in type BS than I care to see. They are too heavy handed for my taste. I'd like to at least pretend that the movie is all about the story and the art of movie making/acting and not just a ginormous opportunity to sell me crap I don't need that has nothing to do with the movie. If they were selling TIE fighters, I'd be interested.
patgizz wrote:
i'll kill someone if they spoil it before i see it.
The dark side is the bad guys.
The guys in the white uniform can't hit anything.
A bunch of teenagers try to overthrow the government.
It's all made to sell toys.
You're welcome.
12/16/15 9:23 p.m.
Darth Vader is Luke Skywalker's father.
A deadbeat dad tries to convince his son to take over the family business.
In reply to T.J.:
That SRT commercial with the black viper leading a line of white Hellcats is pretty awesome though.
Jar-Jar Binks is a Sith lord.
If you've seen Phantom Menace, you have.
No way I can wait until the 1st for discussion. How about a dedicated thread instead? You don't want spoilers, don't go in.
In reply to JG Pasterjak:
I'd be in for that. By this time tomorrow night, I'll be watching it.
Appleseed wrote:
If you've seen Phantom Menace, you have.
That movie makes a hell of a lot more sense with Jar Jar as the evil puppet master behind everything.. too bad they gave up that angle...
Or have they?