I've been in a bad funk that keeps me from wanting to do anything. Pretty much all of the sucks.
Finally got off my ass and got some stuff done this weekend. Mowed the grass, cleaned and detailed the bike, cleaned and organized the garage, replaced the busted right speaker in my helmet, adjusted the poor fitting face shield and just got done stacking some firewood given to us by a neighbor that moved out last weekend.
Feels pretty good to not be a worthless POS all the time.
Being productive is just a habit forming as being lazy.
I go through spells where a stick of dynamite won't get me out of the chair. Then I'll go through a spell where I'm out in the shop every chance I get. It really depends on if I have a project going on.
It does feel good to actually accomplish something.
Mowed the grass?!
It was eleven degrees below zero here this morning.
Ian F
2/14/16 5:38 p.m.
I'm happy I managed to build a coffee table out of a topless frame I bought at the local Good Will for $1.50. Now my TV doesn't have to sit on the floor until I bring up my TV stand from home.
Woody, It was in the mid 70's today here. I ran a half marathon this morning in shorts and a t-shirt. I've been mowing my lawn every 2 weeks for the last few months.
I've been pretty productive lately. Lot of volunteer work and running/biking on the weekends. Also got my certification to work Nascar again this year so it's been good. Next few weeks should be good and busy with some racing coming up with the vintage series and WC.
It's a very nice 68 here currently. I have a feeling we'll get a pretty good cold snap in the next month or so but can't complain at all about last weeks weather.
Glad to hear you got out there and feel better. Getting motovated is hard, but once you're moving you can get a lot one and feeling good about it is awesome! The worst part of getting started is the first 20 minutes. Afterthat you're usually 'into it' and want to keep going.
I need to mow. I've been trying to convince myself that it's not that long, but I almost couldn't see the dog in the back yard. 
There's more interesting things to do.
Good on you for getting stuff done. Starting is the hard part.
2/14/16 10:19 p.m.
This the only "mowing" I'm doing!!!