I need some information on fishing lures for a gift. I always thought all lures were the same, but then I suspect the recipient thinks the same about tires for his car.
Are there brands to watch for? A particular style? He will be freshwater fishing in Boreal forest lakes -- the Canadian Shield etc.
I am no where near a Bass Pro shop -- so they need to be somewhat "mainstream" (sorry for the pun) in their availability.
It's worse than tires. What kind of fishing does he enjoy?
As Dan said, it can get crazy. However, there are a few standbys.
You can't go wrong with Rapala lures- go with a perch pattern. J10 is a good size for just about anything. One in countdown and one in floating would be about $20 and I've never seen anybody turn their nose up at a Rapala.
Also, Mepps spinners are kind of the same way, as they have a pretty universal appeal.
12/22/11 8:10 a.m.
Brett beat me to it. Rapalas have a universal appeal, and they work for almost any kind of fish. Can't go wrong there.
My reply is a bit incoherent, but you wouldn't realize it unless were a fishing nut. Now that I've had my coffee:
A J10 perch pattern is a killer in Northern Lakes. Then, buy an additional Rapala, either a floating or a countdown, and you'll have spent $20.
Hula Popper FTW!
Surface lures are a blast to fish with (especially at night). Also "buzz" baits are great for Bass and Pike. A weedless frog would also be kinda funny (and damn effective in weedy areas)
Also a package of Mister Twister plastic worms are a stand-by for Bass, Pike, Walleye, and pretty much any fish with a mouth.
12/22/11 11:29 a.m.
Big O, made by Cotten Cordell, is my go-to. It is mainstream, although I have a hard time finding it in a lot of places. Some Wal Marts have it, some Bass Pro's do not. Some small time shops have it, some do not.
Panther Martin spinners, Rapalas, Hula Poppers, Jitter Bugs, Kastmaster and Mepps spinners. These baits will catch 90% of the fish 90% of the time in North America.