These were taken last year. Leaving next Wednesday for glamping (camping in a trailer) and flying. Very small quiet airport with great scenery and the most stars I've seen out side of being at sea!
Six days with 35 or so like minded people. Last year instead of trying to find a restaurant to seat 30, we started having BBQs on site, There's no air traffic after dark there and we are right next to the horse arena and big ski jump. There's a large open area near the end of the runway where we have a big camp fire, burgers & dogs, perhaps an adult beverage or two. Saturday my wife makes baked goods, a big tossed salad and a pasta salad and everyone kicks in for chicken.
It's a good time, no stress of finding a place to eat and no drinking and driving. It's only two hours from home, so some do :day trips: or run up after work.
More pics later.
Hey, what happened to the Preview box on the bottom? She's empty!