Jay wrote: Well, New York was founded in 1625 and there has been a "9/11" every year since then. Only one of those days had a major terrorist attack, which means that 383/384=99.74% of them were perfectly safe to fly into the city on. I wouldn't be too worried.
Yeah, but it's those 0.26% that ya gotta worry about.
berkeley it. Come on up! Time Square is neat for touristy stuff. Don't buy anything there though. It's all very expensive. Go see the financial district too. It's very beautiful, but it can be very confusing. Try not to drive a car though. Parking is difficult and the drivers up here are out of their berkeleying minds. I once drove 6 blocks on a street that is the width of a three lane road, but that had parking on the outside two lanes. Every time I came to a light, some douche in a beat-to-hell tow truck would sneak up to the front of one of the outside lanes and try to gun it and beat me across the intersection just so he could be the first one at the next light. He didn't get me until the last light before I turned. E36 M3head.
Oh, and if you want a great view of the city, go to the top of Rockefeller Center. I hear it's cooler than the Empire State Building, less expensive, and less of a line.