Wow. Listen, you don't have to be Agent Mulder to figure out the "hidden" themes here: Don't be a dick. If you think it might be you, just stop, straighten up and play nice so that you're adding to party, not making it into a one-note borefest. And if you're the kind of person who's inclined to argue about the most trivial thing, including who's guilty of arguing the most, and you find yourself unable to stop this behavior, please go away. You're ugly and unpleasant.
Wonder if that'll show up in "Say What".
Um, you guys really, really aren't getting this.
Marjorie Suddard wrote:
Wow. Listen, you don't have to be Agent Mulder to figure out the "hidden" themes here: Don't be a dick. If you think it might be you, just stop, straighten up and play nice so that you're adding to party, not making it into a one-note borefest. And if you're the kind of person who's inclined to argue about the most trivial thing, including who's guilty of arguing the most, and you find yourself unable to stop this behavior, please go away. You're ugly and unpleasant.
Yea, but this brings a lot more peeps (which is a good thing).
fine time of year for expanding the patio and such...
This thread is getting fun! 
Don't make me pull this message board over.
Seems like there have been more locked threads in the last few months than I remember in the last 10 or so years.
Marjorie Suddard wrote:
Don't make me pull this message board over.
You wouldn't. Not when we're making such good time! 
In reply to 914Driver:
i work with a guy who's as close as we get to having a hipster around here. so i told him a joke (i think i got it from the JOTD thread):
[hipster discussion]
Q: how many hipsters does it take to change a lightbulb?
A: Oh, it's some obscure number you've probably never even heard of.
and his reply was:
i used to love that joke. i first heard it at a Modest Mouse show back in '03. but i quit telling it because something like a hundred people heard it already.
[/hipster discussion]
so, the GRM board has become known amongst the mouth-breathers. when self-policing starts to get over-run, the board mods / owners step in and get everyone's minds right.
yes, it's happening more frequently, but it's still not what i'd call even close to typical for interwebz forums.
Marjorie Suddard wrote:
Don't make me pull this message board over.
You're encroaching on my line of work. Are you going to read us our Miranda rights next?
AngryCorvair wrote:
yes, it's happening more frequently, but it's still not what i'd call even close to typical for interwebz forums.
I probably frequent a dozen or more forums. This one is, by far, the most argumentative.
Per Schroeder
Technical Editor/Advertising Director
3/27/12 10:24 a.m.
Nah, we had a bout of locked threads around the last presidential election process too.
There's some debate on how to properly moderate a board—we tend to run the gamut from people who think it's a platform for free speech and therefore, nothing should be deleted and others that realize that it's a vehicle to improve the circulation of our magazines only. I fall towards the latter group, therefore, I tend to moderate a little towards the scorched-earth end of things. Margie balances pretty well in the middle, for the most part--realizing that heavy-handed moderation can turn people away too.
In reply to Per Schroeder:
I'm a pretty strict person in general. Cross me and hear about it. I find it rather laxed here. I enjoy it, but politics do get heated and I agree with locking them swiftly.
Per Schroeder wrote:
Nah, we had a bout of locked threads around the last presidential election process too.
There's some debate on how to properly moderate a board—we tend to run the gamut from people who think it's a platform for free speech and therefore, nothing should be deleted and others that realize that it's a vehicle to improve the circulation of our magazines only. I fall towards the latter group, therefore, I tend to moderate a little towards the scorched-earth end of things. Margie balances pretty well in the middle, for the most part--realizing that heavy-handed moderation can turn people away too.
More scorched-earth please. I don't think political threads should be banned, but when we fail to keep things civil a swift end is much better.
MG Bryan wrote:
Per Schroeder wrote:
Nah, we had a bout of locked threads around the last presidential election process too.
There's some debate on how to properly moderate a board—we tend to run the gamut from people who think it's a platform for free speech and therefore, nothing should be deleted and others that realize that it's a vehicle to improve the circulation of our magazines only. I fall towards the latter group, therefore, I tend to moderate a little towards the scorched-earth end of things. Margie balances pretty well in the middle, for the most part--realizing that heavy-handed moderation can turn people away too.
More scorched-earth please. I don't think political threads should be banned, but when we fail to keep things civil a swift end is much better.
Yeah, I agree with this though I am really a nobody here. 
Anti-stance wrote:
MG Bryan wrote:
Per Schroeder wrote:
Nah, we had a bout of locked threads around the last presidential election process too.
There's some debate on how to properly moderate a board—we tend to run the gamut from people who think it's a platform for free speech and therefore, nothing should be deleted and others that realize that it's a vehicle to improve the circulation of our magazines only. I fall towards the latter group, therefore, I tend to moderate a little towards the scorched-earth end of things. Margie balances pretty well in the middle, for the most part--realizing that heavy-handed moderation can turn people away too.
More scorched-earth please. I don't think political threads should be banned, but when we fail to keep things civil a swift end is much better.
Yeah, I agree with this though I am really a nobody here.
I might have 3 useful posts about MGBs. I'm a moron in this company.
MG Bryan wrote:
Per Schroeder wrote:
Nah, we had a bout of locked threads around the last presidential election process too.
There's some debate on how to properly moderate a board—we tend to run the gamut from people who think it's a platform for free speech and therefore, nothing should be deleted and others that realize that it's a vehicle to improve the circulation of our magazines only. I fall towards the latter group, therefore, I tend to moderate a little towards the scorched-earth end of things. Margie balances pretty well in the middle, for the most part--realizing that heavy-handed moderation can turn people away too.
More scorched-earth please. I don't think political threads should be banned, but when we fail to keep things civil a swift end is much better.
GRM has one of the most self policed forums I visit, surpassed only by one very obscure hobby forum that has only a few dozen daily active members. I think most of us get along famously. But, there are outliers, and this board does see a LOT of new people, so its bound to happen that new people walk thru the doors and fail to notice the rule sign hanging on the wall.
long story short...Scorching the earth to acclimate the newbs is a perfectly valid form of hazing in my book. Carry on