Well I for another appreciate your experience. I tend to leave the political stuff alone.
But if we had invested the money we pissed away in Viet Nam on fuel cell research, which was big then you know during the whole space race thing, we would all be driving fuel cell cars. If we could get big oil into producing hydrogen.
3/27/12 3:48 p.m.
In reply to spitfirebill:
Dude. Stop. Now.
Don't flounder the "please stop trolling" thread.
Salanis wrote:
In reply to spitfirebill:
Dude. Stop. Now.
Don't flounder the "please stop trolling" thread.
There's no flounder in there.
OK. Maybe just a bit, but I left the good stuff out.
^this is a good representation of most of this thread
Oh, and to mguar and all the others who have called me out on this--I'm not naming names or trying to pick on any person, I would just like us all to behave as if we're at a party where no one HAS to be here, and we'd all like to have a good time.
I think what everyone is getting at is that political/economic/government discussions are touchy subjects...it's difficult to keep them civil, so Margie and the other good folks at GRM world headquarters would just rather not have to deal with them.
To everyone else - I've met Mguar in person and he is indeed a grassroots sort of guy; he does have the crazy big house he built himself, along with a couple race cars, a Model A pickup, Jaguar V12 engines piled up like cordwood, and who knows what else in the garage. 
Marjorie Suddard wrote:
^this is a good representation of most of this thread
A bunch of morons running through an obstacle course? 
Anti-stance wrote:
Marjorie Suddard wrote:
^this is a good representation of most of this thread
A bunch of morons running through an obstacle course?
I thought that is how this place is normally acts. 
3/27/12 4:31 p.m.
Some folks take this all much too seriously. 
93EXCivic wrote:
Anti-stance wrote:
Marjorie Suddard wrote:
^this is a good representation of most of this thread
A bunch of morons running through an obstacle course?
I thought that is how this place is normally acts.
Except we'd be more likely to hit the apexes and to not miss the gates.
Jus' sayin...
I'm just relieved this thread is not about me 
Anti-stance wrote:
Marjorie Suddard wrote:
^this is a good representation of most of this thread
A bunch of morons running through an obstacle course?
Bunch of morons and one Canadian (moron)
Per Schroeder wrote:
There's some debate on how to properly moderate a board—we tend to run the gamut from people who think it's a platform for free speech and therefore, nothing should be deleted and others that realize that it's a vehicle to improve the circulation of our magazines only. I fall towards the latter group, therefore, I tend to moderate a little towards the scorched-earth end of things. Margie balances pretty well in the middle, for the most part--realizing that heavy-handed moderation can turn people away too.
Three cheers for Margie!
The website is the only reason that Motorsports Marketing gets my money. If it were ever reduced to being mere advertising for for the periodical, I would probably let that subscription lapse and find some other corner of the interwebs to play in
New Reader
3/27/12 5:20 p.m.
Marjorie Suddard wrote:
^this is a good representation of most of this thread
Oh, and to mguar and all the others who have called me out on this--I'm not naming names or trying to pick on any person, I would just like us all to behave as if we're at a party where no one HAS to be here, and we'd all like to have a good time.
I do enjoy posting here and since I'm a guest I'm trying hard to conform to the proper behavior. What sort of things get your dander up Marjorie?
I do enjoy a good debate and always try to keep things civil even on political threads where I am in disagreement with others.. on occasion heated discussions can educate me. Either a perspective I hadn't considered or something about the person trying to make their point. I also realize when it's time to walk away. Let others have their say etc..
There are some posts I do try to keep alive. The subject is interesting or I feel I have a worthwhile contribution. Hopefully that's not considered trolling..
(which I'm still not sure what that is)
3/27/12 5:24 p.m.
1. A mythical beast that lives underneath bridges and tricks travelers into peril
2. A person who posts to a forum or other form of online communication to disrupt or cause widespread argument.
mguar05 wrote:
Marjorie Suddard wrote:
^this is a good representation of most of this thread
Oh, and to mguar and all the others who have called me out on this--I'm not naming names or trying to pick on any person, I would just like us all to behave as if we're at a party where no one HAS to be here, and we'd all like to have a good time.
I do enjoy posting here and since I'm a guest I'm trying hard to conform to the proper behavior. What sort of things get your dander up Marjorie?
I do enjoy a good debate and always try to keep things civil even on political threads where I am in disagreement with others.. on occasion heated discussions can educate me. Either a perspective I hadn't considered or something about the person trying to make their point. I also realize when it's time to walk away. Let others have their say etc..
There are some posts I do try to keep alive. The subject is interesting or I feel I have a worthwhile contribution. Hopefully that's not considered trolling..
(which I'm still not sure what that is)
Some of the political threads get too heated. All that's really being asked is that no one pushes things in that direction or feeds the fire if/when it comes to that.
Just for the fun of it I looked online and found a photo of mguar's cars, just to show he ain't messin' around:

1958 Black Jack Special
Genuine vintage and historic road racing special with great provenance. XK-150 & D-Type derived. Built in 1958 by “Black” Jack Baker and raced throughout the Mid-West as the Black Jack Special. Returned to Jag 3.8 power in 1970s after a succession of American V8s. Bonnet was made in fiberglass from mold taken from genuine D-Type, rear section is a much modified molding taken from a Birdcage Maser (both cars were Don Skogmo’s), and the center section is aluminum. XK-150 frame was shortened to 96”. Disc brakes all around. Solid rear axle, Moss 4-speed and Halibrand quick-change rear .
New Reader
3/27/12 5:29 p.m.
Thank You. Thus far I've only started one political thread and I thought that stayed reasonably civil.. Yes there was a difference of opinion on the subject but if we all agreed wouldn't the world be a boring place?
WELL, if you all agreed with me then I suppose the world would be perfect. 
New Reader
3/27/12 5:32 p.m.
In reply to stuart in mn:
Thanks Stuart: if you're around someday and want to help an old guy remember how to post pictures I'd appreciate it.
3/27/12 5:39 p.m.
mguar05 wrote:
Thank You. Thus far I've only started one political thread and I thought that stayed reasonably civil.. Yes there was a difference of opinion on the subject but if we all agreed wouldn't the world be a boring place?
WELL, if you all agreed with me then I suppose the world would be perfect.
That thread was reasonably civil because of the respondents and that says quality things about those who frequent this place.
Keep in mind that you're just inviting trouble when you (or anyone) takes a stance that one "side" is good/evil or is the cause of/answer to all "our" problems. Things are a lot more complicated than that.
3/27/12 5:55 p.m.
Stuart.... is the point of your post to show that trolls could possibly be rich? I think I figured that out long ago.
Anywho, some hilarity in this thread, particularly in the first couple o' pages.
This is a great forum. Political/Religious discussions turn bad quickly everywhere. Oh well, what's for dinner?
Not at all. As far as I know he bought that car long ago, when such things didn't cost a lot of money. My point is he's a regular gearhead like the rest of us.
Mmmm... IMHO nothing mguar has posted has ever risen (fallen?) to the level of the stuff ignorant used to post. (In person, Iggy's a pretty decent fellow.) Or the Canadian kid, don't remember his name, who used to go on American citizen witch hunts and got smacked with the ban hammer.
Or the one other who I will NOT mention because Margie has super powers and would burn me to a crisp with her laser beam vision if I uttered the name. 
I think what Margie's trying to tell us is this:
oldsaw wrote:
....Keep in mind that you're just inviting trouble when you (or anyone) takes a stance that one "side" is good/evil or is the cause of/answer to all "our" problems. Things are a lot more complicated than that.
One of the best way to approach a lot of these "arguments" is to try and help "the other side" prove their argument. Then do you best to remove the "sides".
One of the basic truisms in this world, that I believe in at least, (notice how I didn't make it black and white?) is that almost all things are on a continuum and very few things lie at the extremes (e.g. ADD exists, but it is not an on or off switch, we all likely have a bit of ADD in us, its a matter of how much). There are many who will do there best to make you believe this is not the case, please do not listen to them.
I think if MGuar is in anyway feeling he has slighted the board, he should start a thread with a full story and explanation of this:
That will gain you HUGE points on this board!