Mom wants to get my sister's family a Foosball table for Christmas. I have therefore been charged with researching what to get. They ask the guy who knows less than nothing about sports and games to come up with the best option. We're all screwed.
Budget unknown because we have no idea if they cost $200 or $20,000. She wants a good, arcade quality foosball table. It could be a good home version without the coin slot or electronic ball dispenser, but otherwise arcade quality.
In reply to Curtis :
You're out in Carlisle right?
There's a good condition Sportcraft table in my basement the previous owners left. It's an ok quality table from my understanding but I'm not an expert on them.
I'll post pictures tonight if you want to see it.
You can have it for free if you pick it up. I'm in Saylorsburg.
Rene Pierre is the best. Period.
Take the time and read some reviews on the Rene Pierre product. There are lots of cheap tables out there. One of the things that sets the Rene Pierre apart is the use of telescoping rods.
This seems like something that Craigslist would have a ton of, or barring that, call your local arcade/amusement guy. Seems around here all the bars have Tornado brand tables.
I know you are not in Milwaukee - but....
I always preferred the single goalie with ramps in the corners verses the 3 back guys.
The0retical said:
In reply to Curtis :
You're out in Carlisle right?
There's a good condition Sportcraft table in my basement the previous owners left. It's an ok quality table from my understanding but I'm not an expert on them.
I'll post pictures tonight if you want to see it.
You can have it for free if you pick it up. I'm in Saylorsburg.
I would like to see it. I think mom will likely want to go ahead and get a new one, but I can maybe convince her. She's not very GRM. She's more of a "write a check to get the good stuff."
In reply to Curtis :
Hey Curtis, I'll post some pictures tonight. I'm sorry for the delay the last couple days have been insane.
Just figured I'd offer. I'm unlikely to ever use it and I'd rather see it go somewhere rather than the dump.
They're all bad. "Foosball is the devil."

Sorry about the CL type photos and the floor. I'm doing some drywall work, and it's downstairs next to my pellet stove near a couple ton of pellets. Bonus for there not being a light in the corner.
It's going to be easier to link the album:
Let me know if there's anything you want me to look for.
That is a nice looking table. I'll see if I can convince mom.
In reply to Curtis :
No pressure it isn't going anywhere. It's not a top of the line table but if it fits her needs you're welcome to it.
Appleseed said:
I always preferred the single goalie with ramps in the corners verses the 3 back guys.
QFT i played a LOT of foosball as a youngster, 1 goalie is the game for me. Tornado style not so much. Better find out which style they prefer.
Theoretical, couldn't convince mom to get a freebie, but thank you so much for being an awesome GRMer.
Ordered a Kick foosball table. I asked my nephew on the sly (fabricated a line of questioning about his foosball hobby) if they liked the three goalies or the single/ramp and he said the ones they usually play have the three goalies, so I went that way. This one also comes with the option of removing the two side goalies and putting ramps in the corners, although the reviews suggest that the ramps don't always prevent stuck balls.
It has solid (not hollow) rods, actual bearings on the rods, and seems to get good reviews. Thanks for the pointers
Nice! I see I was late to the party, in college my mom found as an old coin-operated Tornado table (slotted so it didn't need coins). So it was heavy duty. Took all the abuse of drunken college guys without missing a beat.
I was looking for a foosball table for our office which would be durable. Thought about Tornado, but finally decided to buy this [canoe instead!]
12/5/19 5:06 p.m.
Appleseed said:
I always preferred the single goalie with ramps in the corners verses the 3 back guys.
Funny, but I read that as "three black guys"