Sad to report the Kazoospec snowblower purchase did absolutely nothing to stem the tide. About 2-3 inches last night and another 4-5 this morning. Weather report calls for another 2-6 during the day today. I can do no more . . .
Except maybe buy a snowmobile . . . 
Thread revival. I scored my neighbors old 2-stroke snapper for 30 bucks after he couldn't get it to start. Removed the old keyed kill switch and wired in a toggle kill switch and she ready for action. I'll probably not get a chance to use it now...
In reply to kazoospec:
Well at least the snowmobile could be used year-round.
3/3/15 12:13 a.m.
DrBoost wrote:
You can thank me when no snow falls.
Still 3'+ on the ground.
I cannot thank you for anything. 
I predict our snow may be gone by Easter.
Tried to drive the wife to work this morning and IDOT shut down I-57 because of the ice.

All the trucks were getting off at our exit. We decided to go down the road to Dunkin Donuts and when I saw the line of trucks stopped on IL-52, I turned my ass around and went home.

Just found an picture on Facebook from the local radio station of why they closed I-57 

3/3/15 9:25 a.m.
Second idot salt truck I've seen in a ditch this morning
BoxheadTim wrote:
I'm trying to make sure I mess up the ski season for everybody at work by shopping for a used snow blower, too
Now we know who to blame for the drought in Norcal. 
In reply to Type Q:
Indeed, and I didn't have to buy a snow blower in the first place!
About 4" in GR so far and it just switched to freezing rain.
It's snowing here right now. Kids have early dismissal at noon. I ran out to get some lunch and while sitting in the sandwich shop lot I watched a DOT salt/plow truck barrel thru a red light that had been red for a good 10 seconds on a 4 lane highway. I wish I thought to video tape it and send it to the news.
Haven't heard of any DOT plow drivers cracking under pressure and going gonzo as in years past.
It hailed enough in Huntington Beach yesterday that it looked like snow.

Pics stolen from Instagram
3/3/15 11:14 a.m.
I guess I'll update this thread since it was brought back from the dead.
The snowblower came together well. I replaced a lot of stuff and put a lot of work into getting it into working order. We had a few minor snows that didn't warrant pulling the big ol' thing out. Then it came. The snow!! I waited for about 6-8 inches to fall and fired it up. I did my driveway, my walk (twice each) then did me neighbors walks. 2-doors down is an elderly man and woman. She has health issues that I'm sure keep him busy. I didn't want him to have to worry about it, so I did his driveway, walk, and the street in front of his house.
Felt pretty good about that, the snowblower's new engine was broken in. I was going to do one more pass to remove the snow that was piled against the house. I got a foot in before I heard a horrible noise. By the time I shut it down it was over.
My daughter decided to brush the snow off the vehicles earlier in the day just because. She left the snow brush against the house. The snow buried it so I never saw it. The blower ingested it and the METAL arm of the snow brush wrapped itself around the impeller and bend the auger. I was HOT!!! I pushed the blower in the garage, removed the brush and surveyed the damage. That's how it has sat since. After soo many hours into that thing, I'm not touching it 'till spring.
3/3/15 11:34 a.m.
iceracer wrote:
I predict our snow may be gone by Easter.
I think there will be plenty on the ground here on Easter.
I'll bet the huge parking lot snow piles will make it to May. 
My 60" 3-pt snowblower tried to be a woodchipper after one of the guys building our new barn left a 4' 2x4 in a snowbank.
Big damage. I'm hoping I can hammer the impeller and auger back into shape.
3/3/15 11:48 a.m.
I am not going to color the Easter eggs for the outdoor egg hunt this year. Good luck with that kids!
It's far easier to move to Portland Oregon then it is to depend on your snowblower...
Last BIG snow here was 2009... having been recent transplants AWAY from NE Pa (ICE STORM 2005) we saw the storm predicted, and we bought 2 REAL snowshovels online, my wife paid for next day shipping
. The snow arrived before the shovels 
It hasn't snowed more than 4" since... and this year it hasn't snowed at all, with it being the warmest "winter"(Dec, Jan, Feb) on record
3/3/15 3:53 p.m.
Does that extend to Southern New England? We're getting more snow tonight.