UPDATE: 5-23-2012 One of my roommates bought his own house (sucker!) and is moving out soon. We will have a room opening up.
The house is located in Oakton, VA (22124), on the Reston/Herndon side of things. Its convenient to a lot of places: Reston Town Center, Veinna Metro, 66, 267, Fair lakes, Fair oaks. If you like mountain biking, you’ll be happy to know that we go weekly or even more often, and the driveway directly connects to FFX county trails. The W&OD is only a couple miles away, as is the CCT. Both are accessible via the Reston Glade trails without ever biking on the road.
Decent sized house, approx. 2 acres, 5.5 garage bays (2 car attached, 3.5 car detached). Probably 3000-3500 Sq. Ft, 5 bedrooms, 3 car garage. Is it super-dooper-fancy? No. But it isn’t bad at all.
The room costs $565 + utils. Your share of utils will likely run between $50 and $100. Additionally, gas is filled once to twice a year and costs ~$300 ea. There are few rules, and no real lease (or long term agreement). No HOA. Broken cars can be stored here, on jackstands (although we prefer not to have that happen).
Other notes:
-There are 3 tenants (i.e. #4 is moving out). All are Mechanical Engineers. Aged 25-33 I think.
-Cable internet/Television. Its fast.
-51" HD TV
-Fairly complete Olympic weight lifting set
-Parking for a TON of people. Some of our BBQs have had probably 30+ cars with room to spare.
PM me if interested.
Detached garage porn:
Old pic, from when the garage was full. All of the cars and bike pictured are gone now. The middle one was a lemons car. It rocked. We may do that again.
A few pics from a BBQ week or two ago (Grillgasm 5-12-2012). I believe there are at least two GRMers pictured:
Detached garage can be seen at bottom of hill (bottom right of picture)
Some interior pics...
Yeah, it's not an LCD or some new high-tech fancypants TV, but it IS HD, and it gets the job done for movies and stuff.